events with more than 1000 visitors are prohibited due to the Coronavirus. In addition, there are no fixed and uniform regulations; the permit requirement for over 150 visitors from the Federal government recommended not to apply, for example, at the Moment, in the Canton of Zurich at the moment – which is why, for example, the Schauspielhaus Zürich, at the Moment, self-adheres to the great performances in the Pfauen. They wanted to keep the theatre of everyday life and normality as high as possible, said spokeswoman Philine Erni. In Basel has cancelled all performances of the theater . The inconsistency leads to uncertainty on the part of organizers and artists.

So, in Suhr-based theatre plays Marie, currently in the Theater Tuchlaube in Aarau (120 seats), while the group in Chur, was due to the stricter rules that out. Patric Bachmann, a dramaturge and a member of the Executive team of the theatre, Marie, explained: “In our contract with the theatre in Chur, there is the passage to “force majeure”. The actors and Actresses we have the same passage. But we need to look at what is a viable solution.” If two notions be, is not one for the theatre Marie, existence-threatening. The failures will be frequent but, it is necessary to think seriously about the books. And for a single free actor the cancellation can draw several ideas is actually a financial emergency to.

“For artists fees failures are serious consequences.”Sandra Künzi, President t. theatre professionals Switzerland

Similar to the professional Association “t. theatre professionals have argued to get the end of Switzerland”, which represents the interests of around 1750 actors from the independent scene, the Corona-Cancel, among others, the Comedy team of Lapsus. Especially in the independent scene, the Budgets of Organizing and Producing are short, say it in the press release. “Event of failures, even if only for two weeks – are already significant. For artists fees failures are serious. They are often freelance, usually have little financial leeway. Cancelled events mean for the people away from the limelight for technique, stage design, or costume design responsible, big losses.”

At a guest house in Chur, all shows are cancelled: a Problem for small Swiss groups. Photo: Keystone

Sandra Künzi, President “t. theatre professionals Switzerland”, criticized in an interview the inconsistent rules sharp and also refers to the unclear legal situation, especially when “force majeure” occurs in the contract. Künzi reminiscent of also to the not directly measurable losses, Is cancelled a reading, there are also fewer book sales. A Person can occur also suffers their visibility in the market, what is less well-known faces a Problem. It was wrong, but completely, now the organizer against the actor, authors, musician, play, or Vice versa. Both parties are an essential institution of the Swiss cultural life, and the government must also demonstrate to them a sense of responsibility.

The professional Association of t. therefore supports the Petition of the unionists, Christophe Gremaud. He is committed for personal reasons, because he has experienced from close proximity, such as a singer for three months of work due to a Corona-cancellation received at the end of a cent. In the on Friday evening, the connected Petition, it means brings: “The culture and deserves to be in this country more than the industry, but the jobs in the cultural sector are very precarious; and 15 days, without merit, without work – that is horrendous!” Therefore, the signatories to the Petition asking for – there are now around 4500 – that the Federal government set up a compensation Fund for those affected show professionals on and behind the stage.

Created: 05.03.2020, 16:38 PM