The Corona-crisis abuses in the meat industry. Prior to the lump sum price rules but be warned – at the end of the Wrong people could benefit. Experts speak Amazing.

In the Corona-pandemic* slaughterhouses prove to be foci of infection*. The demands for reforms are currently loud – but the issue is not unproblematic. The Left warns, companies such as Tönnies could be the winners at the end. A tips-cooking is an entirely different piece of advice.

Munich/Gütersloh – The case Tönnies casts a bad light on the meat industry : a Devastating work conditions, perhaps even a lousy sanitation – in the Corona-crisis this long-known are stands at once for health risk for all the regions. And in the Wake of the economic risk. 23. June, a whole district went into Lockdown.

will change something now? That seems to be more unclear. SPD but also the CDU plans. You may go over, but in the actual Problem, as the Opposition alleges.

meat and Corona: What could change – the ideas of the parties in government at a Glance

health and safety: After the first Corona-outbreaks in the meat industry in may, to the Minister of labour Hubertus Heil (SPD) and the Federal government’s stricter rules on the way. From 1. January 2021, the controversial contracts should be prohibited. We are also planning a digital recording of the working time, better educating workers about their rights and higher fines. Up to 30,000 euros for violations of the occupational safety and health act possible.

animal welfare: Minister of agriculture, Julia Klöckner (CDU) wants to Tönnies after the fall by grabbing – it has the quickly noticeable effects of the closures in the view. “The System can’t continue,” she told the Passauer Neue Presse. the battle bottlenecks the farmers under pressure. Animals are only hold a certain amount of time beyond the normal duration of the Fattening period, in addition to, there are capacity limits in the stables. “Here we are looking for solutions,” the Minister said. “Whether the Just-in-time production and delivery, the True, I doubt.” Klöckner is now aiming for a welfare levy, which was to be added to meat and other.

prices: North Rhine-Westphalia’s environment Minister, the CDU-politician, Ursula Heinen-Esser , remember also, to regulate the discount stores . In the middle of the Corona-crisis Aldi had made plans to push the price of Meat, for displeasure. Meat was often sold under the production price, alleged Heinen-Esser, in an Interview with the WDR. NRW is working on an initiative in the Bundesrat to change the laws against unfair competition. Also, the Green had taken such a “bait and switch” in may to the visor. Heinen-Esser was also a complicity in the Status Quo.

meat as a Corona-factor: Left warns of price debate – “Will only increase the profits of toennies”

keeps The Left , however, little of the debate about higher meat prices – they distract only “from the core of the problem”. “If you increase the prices, will only increase the profits of toennies and co.,” said group head of Amira Mohamed Ali on Tuesday. “The working and production conditions will change only when the state intervenes in the meat industry hard”. It is not enough to prohibit contracts for work and services – placement and protection of health of employees should be improved. And: “The penalties for violations need to be so high that you meet a billionaire like Mr Tönnies sensitive.”

your green counterpart, Anton Hofreiter had a few days ago similar to voiced. “Meat factories are huge infection foci due to the miserable housing of the workers, to the bad sanitary and climatic conditions*,” he said. It was a “systematic Problem,” said the Green. Hofreiter called for “comprehensive inspections” and better job protection.

Corona: meat prices in the critique – 20% more salary, only a percent of the premium for the chips?

Also quite controversial in the debate about the flesh price : An expert keeps the context between the labour wages and price of Meat is very manageable. In large slaughterhouses, the proportion of wage costs in the pulp price, at around five percent, said Achim Spiller , Professor of agricultural Economics, the WDR. Slaughterhouse workers would receive 20 percent more pay, would increase the chips price of just one percent.

The evaluation of the researcher, the University of Göttingen may sound in some ears is disheartening. Necessary to Europe are far the same rules and minimum standards for the meat cost . Similar had requested, CSU leader Markus Söder. But not quite as hopeless as is the case with other attempts of international regulation of Competition, the situation is not good. Because above all, the “dumping master,” Germany is in demand, according to Spiller. Countries such as Denmark and France have demanded for a long time readjustments of the Merkel’s government – now the chances were good, he says.

+ Freshly slaughtered pigs hanging on in a cold house in the meat company Tönnies.©dpa / Bernd Thissen

Higher prices for meat, milk and eggs but also a possible other Plan of the Federal government to a result – he would start with agriculture. Experts had proposed that animals, more space in the barn and “to allow contact to the outside climate”. The rebuilding and maintenance costs are to be financed by a consumption tax. The expert panel suggested that supplements of 40 cents per Kilo of meat , two cents per Kilo of milk and each Egg and 15 cents per Kilo of cheese , or Butter.

Corona-crisis: meat farms as the foci of infection – “a pity that you can’t consume this Corona”

A different way out of the top chef and organic Farmer Franz Keller outlined in a recent interview with Germany radio. “These working conditions at the end of the chain, I say, for these people, we have to account for any of this meat buys,” he said, referring to the plight in the case of Tönnies and his ilk. “We feed ourselves wrong, because we consume cheap meat, and lots of it too much.”

“We just eat less, eat less meat, less sausage must,” said Keller. Also cheese, Butter and other dairy products are part of the problem. To the vegetarianism or veganism he’s not on call, but this life extremism are ways to “be” judged he. He recommended to buy foods with a short ingredients list, as well as “fresh”, “good” and regionally produced food.

a drastic thoughts Keller expressed. “Actually, it is a pity – and that sounds pretty bad – that you can’t consume this Corona about what it takes to be,” he explained. “Maybe this would really be a pretty quick direct rethink.”

Whether or not the Transmission via meat products is possible, is among experts controversial. Now seems to understand, in which products Tönnies meat is. (fn with Material from dpa)

Christian Drosten feared in Germany, a speedy aggravation of the situation, as he revealed in his Podcast.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

section list image:©dpa / David Indian song (Montage: