Is there something wrong with Donald Trump, and trying to the american president to hide the fact that he is seriously ill?

the Speculation was allowed to run freely in the u.s. media last week after the president suddenly had a scheduled medical checkup at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Saturday, 16. november.

fails the president something, or is it just the media, who – with the Trumps own words – is ‘sick’.

“These people are sick. They are sick. And the press in this country is dangerous,” it said in an attack from Trump at a meeting Monday.

He explained to those present that he had visited the family of a seriously wounded soldier in the hospital. At the same time, he took advantage of the opportunity to have made some routine inquiries.

the President was furious over the rumours that the apparently unplanned and spontaneous hospital visits due to heart problems or other serious illness.

The White House tried to lay the case down on Monday of last week by issuing a statement, which described the hospitalsbesøget as ‘a routine and scheduled check’, and that the tour of planlægningshensyn had been kept out of the calendar.

On her profile on Twitter described the president himself lægetjekket with the words: ‘Everything is very good. (Amazing!)’

But why do americans – or, rather, the american media – not just satisfied with the explanation?

Because most of the president’s day is scheduled on the minute, and his calendar is managed by advisers and monitored by the press. So when the world’s mightiest man suddenly takes on the hospital to be examined without previously planned and announced, it awakens quite a stir and concern.

in Addition, it is not more than nine months ago, he had made his last annual health check. The kind is normally carried out with one-year intervals.

One of Donald Trumps porno izle hate-media CNN fail not to make the point that the president through his entire term of office have had a perfunctory relationship to the truth. They refer to the fact-check, which the Washington Post showed that Trump in the course of 993 days spoke untrue or misleading information throughout 13.435 times.

By Trumps latest medical checkup it was revealed that the president weighs 110 pounds, that he takes medicine against high blood cholesterol, and that he is suffering from a widely known heart disease, that makes him more prone to stroke.

The reputed neurosurgeon Sanjay Gupta is working as senior medical correspondent at CNN. He writes in an article on the tv station’s site, there are several things about Trumps recent medical checkup, it is worth to notice.

‘We know that Trump is 73 years old, have heart disease and are overweight. For any man in the age and with the medical history, any visits to the hospital are a matter of concern,’ he writes.

Gupta has the past week been talking with several physicians, who have previously worked in the White House and The other, which still has contact to the administration. They say dissent, that ‘what happened in the last week, is unusual.’

the President’s own doctor, Dr. Sean Conley asserts, however, in a written answer cnn’s medical expert, that the president is in fine form.

An opinion which was echoed by pressesekretæren in The White House, Stephanie Grisham, on Tuesday morning at the tv station Fox News. She called speculation about the opposite of ‘irresponsible and dangerous.’ But not all feel confident.

David Scheiner was the doctor of the former president Barack Obama, and he calls the statement that the latest doctor-check should be clean routinely for ‘is obviously ridiculous.’

“It was something which it was necessary to act quickly, but maybe not exactly an emergency,” he said to news Inside Edition.

David Scheiner is concerned about the president’s condition and notes that the Trump on the last – in his assessment – have found it difficult to find the right words.

“I’m concerned for his neurological condition. He has difficulty finding the words. And when you find it difficult to find the words, one must assume that there is some kind of neurological problem,” he said.

the President himself has already said to Fox News what he thinks of all the speculation about his health – and he has certainly not hard to find the words:

“Fake, disgusting news,” said the analysis from the president.