Despite the votes on Brexit and many of the kingdom ‘escape’ from London, there are still people with money in their pockets in the English capital.

Some of them have, however, a little less to do well with.

For the managed some great cold blooded thieves to climb the wall to a large house in north London.

Who stole the jewels for almost nine million dollars, while the family still resided in the house.

It is not known how many thieves there were about the theft, which happened in the borough of Haringey, while a woman in her 30’s and her kids were still at home.

Cratosslot the Theft happened on the 14. november around the clock 17. It writes Sky News.

The bold robbers got away through a window on the 1. floor.

in Addition to the jewels they had designer clothes and a considerable amount of cash with them.

Now, the police have published pictures of the stolen jewels. They are described as being of ‘great sentimental value’ for the woman.

“the Theft is an extremely intrusive crime. Its effect is often exacerbated if they bestjålne at home during the theft.” It says one of the investigators, Paul Ridley.

“Many of these jewels are very special and rare. I would ask anyone who is offered some of these jewels, or simply see them for sale, immediately report it to us.”