The actor and voice actor Claus Biederstaedt is dead. He died on Thursday at the age of 91, his son confirmed on Sunday. “We are very thankful that he is peacefully asleep,” he said. Previously, the “image was reported” on the death of the actor.

Biederstaedt was in the 1950s with films like “Charley’s aunt” at the side of Heinz Rühmann famous. For the Film “fireworks” with the then 16-year-old Romy Schneider in front of the camera. For his canvas, The great temptation “(1951) debut” he was with the Federal film prize as best young actor award. Overall, he has appeared in around 60 movies to.

In the 1960s and 1970s Biederstaedt appeared in more than 200 TV productions, including series such as “Derrick”, “The black forest clinic” or “The Old”.

Claus Biederstaedt: voice of Marlon Brando and Peter Falk

Also as a synchronous speaker was Biederstaedt successfully, among other things, he lent Hollywood greats such as Marlon Brando, Yves Montand and Paul Newman in his voice. Also Fans of the detective series “Columbo” know him as the voice of Peter Falk. Later, he focused on the Theater and was still in high age on the stage.

In the past years, it had become quiet around Biederstaedt, after he was diagnosed with tongue cancer. Doctors had to amputate two-thirds of the tongue. The cancer he had defeated, but, said the son. Now, he died shortly before his 92nd year. Birthday.
