dozens of children in Bavaria have visited in the Corona-crisis to your own safety, the emergency care in day-care centres. The findings of a survey of the German press Agency, among the major cities in the state.

Alone in Nuremberg in may is 80 and rising. If it were children “with a critical domestic Situation, which was classified as a potential child is at risk,” said the city.

The city of Munich, called on request, no Numbers. “Our statistics give a first indication of the suspect,” said a spokesman for the social Affairs Department. However, one could give “no valid statements to a particular Trend”.

In Augsburg, Germany, were (also in may), according to a speaker 54 for children “child protection reasons” in the emergency care of a daycare centre and 23 children in the school notgruppe care.

the Affected families were youth welfare offices usually known

The city of Regensburg leads no statistics on children who were taught in the emergency care. The youth welfare office considers there is, however, that around 25 children “attended to the position of the best interests of the child” day-care centres in the Notbetreuungs mode. Most of the affected families the youth welfare office; the authorities had taken care of the placement in emergency care.

“but There were also cases in which parents self-reported that due to overwork situations in the city,” said a spokeswoman. dpa/Daniel Reinhardt/dpa/icon image A Flipchart with the words “sign in emergency care”.

the First studies: More domestic violence in the Corona-crisis

Federal Minister for family Affairs Franziska Giffey (SPD) warned at the end of April, approximately one month after the beginning of the strict Anti-Corona measures, increased conflict and stress, the potential, if families in the Corona-crisis spend a lot of time in a confined space at home. Therefore, had to be balanced between the protection of the health of children in front of the Coronavirus and the child’s well-being as a whole.

Initial studies as a beginning of June published a study of the Technical University of Munich, and the RWI Institute for economic research on domestic violence in the Corona-crisis show that the fears are probably true.

day-care centres will open progressively from Monday, starting at 1. In July, for all the children of

After a week-long Corona-forced break in Bavaria now, slowly but surely, an end to the already more developed emergency care. From Monday the children will be allowed back in the kindergartens in the school year 2021/22 required to attend school. The same applies for children who are faced with the Transition to Kindergarten – you can then go back in the crib.

about 80 percent of the children could attend their institutions. 1. July is supposed to be the all possible. Sony presents the Playstation 5: The appearance is different, as is FOCUS Online Sony presented the Playstation 5: The look is different than all of the lightning recipe for tarte flambée had expected: The fast Alternative to the classic PCP lightning recipe for quiche: The fast Alternative to the classic
