Canadian firefighters dropper voluntarily julefejringen at home to help with fire fighting in Australia.

Canadian firefighters volunteering to assist with brandslukningen in Australia.

The writes the australian newspaper The Sydney Morning Herald on the night of Wednesday local time.

The australian authorities sent on Friday a request for assistance to the fire service in Canada.

It has got a number of canadian firefighters to volunteer to drop the julefejringen with their families at home to help their colleagues in Australia.

The volunteer firefighters met Tuesday in Vancouver, from where they were flown from Sydney in the australian state of New South Wales.

the Emissary to Australia is expected to last 38 days.

We are pleased to be able to help the people in Australia, while they are experiencing these devastating fires, ” says the prime minister in the canadian province of Manitoba, Brian Pallister.

– Especially in light of the fact that Manitoba has had help from friends and neighbors, when forest fires and other natural disasters has hit our province.

More than 20 firefighters from a number of canadian provinces to assist the australian fire brigade in various roles. They will, for example, deal with tasks such as planning, aviation, and other operations.

In the New South Wales brander continues to more than 110 fires, of which about 54 are out of control, writes The Guardian.

Hot, dry and windy weather has challenged the australian firefighters that have fought against numerous fires over the last several weeks. It writes the news agency dpa.

The many fires among other things, the shrouded Sydney in smoke, which for several days has degraded the air quality in Sydney and surrounding areas.

the Visibility is low, while there are several reports of ash falling from the sky.

– This morning in Sydney dropped ash from bushbrandene down from the sky. Seriously. Ash. It shows how insane these bushbrande is, and why we will have to go with the face masks, writes Tara Foster, who is australian tv producer, on Twitter on Wednesday morning.

The local vejrmyndigheder warns that the dense smoke might be lying over the metropolis for several days yet.
