The consumption of certain baked goods, caution is required: A manufacturer from Bavaria is calling back a product – which in Germany have been sold could be.

product of the brand, “ leather Backhaus ” will called back. It could potentially contain contaminated ingredients . The company is based in Bayern – have been sold, the product could be in the whole of Germany.

Rednitzhembach – customers who have recently purchased products of the brand, ” Lederer Backhaus “, should sit up and take notice: the product may contain ingredients , which could have been contaminated.

the callback of back home Lederer with headquarters in Rednitzhembach in middle Franconia is a crisp bread – the product is affected “ Delicious Crunchy crisp bread spelt ” in the 200 grams of packing with the expiry dates between 26.06.2020 and 29.09.2020.

baked goods-callback! Manufacturer in Bavaria warns against consumption, for sale in Germany

Over the counter affected crisp bread , which has since been removed from the sale is gone, in Bayern – the Online Shop of the back-house, the product can be sold, but also beyond the borders of the free state, in addition to after all Germany .

+ a callback for this crispbread: It could contain contaminated materials.©Screenshot/Backhaus Lederer GmbH

Back to the crisp bread due to a “contaminated raw materials” of a supplier was the company informed. Exact Details about the type of the pollution , as well as the Name of the supplier are currently not known.

baked goods recalled in Bavaria: The manufacturer warns against consumption of certain types of crisp bread

The callback of back home Lederer for the “ Delicious Crunchy crisp bread spelt ” with the expiration dates between 26.06.2020 and 29.09.2020 does not apply for other varieties.

In what way is the “ contaminated commodity ” could be dangerous, is unclear. Whether it is an ingredient that could only be used for certain Allergy dangerous, or whether it is a different type of contamination – whether, for example, foreign body could be included in the recalled products was not mentioned. From the manufacturer it means only that the product of the cultivar “Delicious Crunchy crispbread spelt” is taken back. (nema)

call More back in Bavaria and Germany

Due to a health hazard, a company from Swiss francs back reputation also a popular costume – in a statement that it “regretted the incident deeply”.

another recall went out recently from a Bavarian brewery. Due to an unusual danger even KATWARN was triggered.

Germany is a danger for pet owners is also. When in contact with a specific dog food can lead to diseases. Edeka recalls, therefore, products of an animal feed company.

section list image:©picture-alliance/ dpa/dpaweb / Jens Wolf