Call of Duty Moder Warfare and the Battle Royale Warzone are the current titles of the Call of Duty Franchise from Activision. These are the current News.

Update from 09. June 2020 : However, there are not only Warzone there is new information. Also, a new Call of Duty: Black Ops-title stands in the start holes. now reports of a new Leak, which suggests a Setting in the Cold war*.

Update 08. June 2020 : Not everyone is subject to Warzone is equally good. Some are even particularly strong, and may impact unfairly on a fight. reports on how the Riot Shield from Call of Duty Warzone device now under review.

Update from 07. June 2020 : The fourth Season in Call of Duty Warzone was postponed due to the protests. A Leak reveals the exact launch date.*

Update from 05. June 2020 Some Call of Duty Warzone Fans want a Feature, which could save lives. reported, how it works and why players are familiar with the Feature already on Fortnite.

Update from 03. June 2020: The damage of melee attacks in Call of Duty Warzone has recently been the subject of debate*. So it reaches an opponent twice with a melee-to-hit weapons attack to stop him, even if he is fully armored. Many Fans find it illogical that a knife attack is just as much damage and your choice from Infinity Ward Changes.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare and Warzone Activision and Infinity Ward

Call of Duty Modern Warfare* and the Battle Royale Call of Duty Warzone* celebrates the Publisher Activision* currently large successes. More than 60 million players have played the Battle Royale, and Modern Warfare is soon to start Season 4. Then the Fans of Call of Duty*, you can expect new Maps, new weapons and Changes to Verdansk. Since Activision has postponed the Start of Season 4 for an indefinite period of time, you must wait for the Fans now for some time.

* is part of the Federal-wide editorial network of the Ippen-Digital-editor.
