It should not really be possible, but on Sunday it happened anyway.

the Night between Saturday and Sunday found unknown assailants the previous topnazist Reinhard ‘the butcher’ Heydrich grave in a cemetery in Berlin and opened it.

The typing of several international media, including the BBC.

the Grave is not marked by any gravestone.

The germans failed in all the places previously topnazister is buried, because it fears that neo-nazis will use the tombs as foci.

Why is it just now a mystery who had information about where Reinhard Heydrich was buried, so they could open the tomb.

An employee at the cemetery discovered that the top layer of the grave had been dug by. Police in Berlin are investigating now the case.

Reinhard Heydrich was a senior SS-Obergruppenführer (general ed.) and worked directly for the SS head, Heinrich Himmler.

Heydrich was known for his brutality and was of Adolf Hitler, dubbed ‘the man with stålhjertet’.

Heydrich sat, for example, at the end of the table at the Wansee conference in January 1942 where the ‘final solution’ – the plan that ended up to mean the murder of millions of jews – was devised.

His brutal reputation was Heydrich, however, in particular, after he assumed control of large parts of the Czech republic in 1942.

Here there were resistance fighters and partisans gave the nazis problems. Heydrich was sent into the area to rectify the situation.

Already a few weeks after Heydrich’s arrival were hundreds of communists, partisans and resistance fighters have been captured and executed – often by hanging.

He was therefore given the nickname ‘the butcher’ and ‘the executioner from Prague’.

Prague was also the place, Heydrich met his end.

After having terrorized the area and hung all and all, it just looked like opponents of the nazi occupation, felt Were so confident that he drove around in the city with very little protection.

Therefore, it succeeded in may 1942, the two resistance fighters – led by the british – to carry out an assassination on Heydrich.

He died a month later of his injuries.

As a revenge for the killing of Heydrich wiped out the nazis, the village of Lidice.

They shot all the boys and men – 173 in all – and sent hundreds of women and children in a concentration camp.

Heydrich was buried under great fanfare as a statshelt and a nazi icon.

Later, all the marks from his last songs in Berlin, however, removed so no one could know where he was buried.

Now the tomb was opened by unknown assailants.

Right now it sounds from the authorities, nothing from his corpse has been removed, and the grave is covered again.