ProSieben is showing the new eight-part comedy series “Intimate.” via five buddies in their early 20s from Tuesday, April 4 (11:45 p.m. in double episodes), via Joyn Plus from March 24, 2023. Behind the improv series is the production company Kleine Brüder, consisting of Bruno Alexander (24), Emil and Oskar Belton (both 24), Max Mattis (25) and Leo Fuchs (23). They are jointly responsible for the scripts, direction, editing and production and are the core ensemble of the series. The Belton twins and Bruno Alexander have already celebrated success with their debut series “Die Discounter”.

In an interview with the news agency spot on news, Bruno Alexander explains how the “jerks.” inspired YouTube format “Intimate.” became a TV series, how friends work together and why situations quickly become uncomfortable for him personally. He also reveals how he experienced his “jerks.” guest appearance and what he appreciates about Christian Ulmen (47).

Bruno Alexander: We started the web series when we were at school, in tenth grade and as Pajama Pictures. When Carsten Kelber and Christian Ulmen approached us with “Die Discounter”, we thought that we were actually in the process of creating a completely new season of “Intimate.” to write that we would like to shoot and then preferably for a streamer. Christian said we should do “Die Discounter” first, as an exercise. We did that too. Two seasons. And then we finally have “Intimate.” rotated, really big. If we had been told that six or seven years ago when we started out for fun, we probably wouldn’t have believed it.

Alexander: Emil, Oskar, Leo and I took over the direction. Max was the producer. We all wrote the series together. That sounds chaotic at first, and it was. But the anarchic and chaotic was also important to the style. It would be a different series if everything was perfectly planned and agreed behind the camera. It has to be hectic, things have to go wrong, so that out of necessity and out of chaos you have to improvise. And not only in the game, but actually in every department. And that is then reflected in the series and makes it authentic and real. It’s also a great advantage that we’re best friends in real life too. We have our very own way of communicating with each other and we can quickly exchange ideas on the set and know what is meant. Especially when it comes to humor and interpersonal relationships. We’ve known each other for 12 years or so.

Alexander: Lots of insecurities and the urge to do it right. Or not. And the constant handling of rules. Bureaucratic rules that you don’t understand, social rules that you’re afraid of not following properly, or rules that you don’t want to follow. And friendly rules that you accidentally break. So many rules that make life difficult for you.

Alexander: It rarely got really uncomfortable in front of the camera. Only in the game and that was always extremely funny. Consciously creating these uncomfortable situations is a lot of fun. Maybe because you know these situations well from everyday life and can now reenact them, but not in real life, which is a kind of relief and you can look at them from a distance.

Alexander: I quickly get uncomfortable in situations, especially with strangers. On the train or in the supermarket. Because when something awkward happens, no matter what, it suddenly becomes so weirdly intimate for the moment. I still have to think about it all day. But it always helps me to write down the situation. I always do it straight away on my notes app. Then I have different folders, for example for “Intimate.” or “The Discounters”. Then I can look at the situation from a distance again and think, at least it was good for something now.

Alexander: I think Hamburg itself has something intimate about it. Like a very big village. Everyone knows everyone. That is, almost. Everything is so close together. Not like in Berlin, where each district is its own city.

Alexander: “Intimate.” has become something entirely of its own. That was also our claim. We didn’t want to copy anything that already exists, we would never have gotten there. Of course we took inspiration from the humor and the general narrative structure, but “Intimate.” is a bit more hectic. Simply because it is told from the point of view of young people. They have completely different needs and are much more trying to find out and try things out.

Alexander: There are also cameos!

Alexander: The stories definitely come from our own lives, but never exactly like that. Most of the time you experience a moment where you think that if I had taken a wrong turn here again, it would have been uncomfortable. And then you rewrite it to fit the story. Well, we then think again from the point of view of the characters, some of whom act in a questionable way.

Alexander: We wanted a crossover between “jerks.” and “Intimate.”. That’s now connected via legendary director Felix. And with Christian and Fahri it was very funny. It was very difficult to stay serious one take at a time.

Alexander: Carsten Kelber and Christian Ulmen produce the series together and it’s just a very relaxed collaboration, because both are very enthusiastic about what we have to tell. So mainly youth-specific things. They are just very interested and then just let us do it.

Alexander: We’ve been shooting since the end of February. More then on our Instagram account: @diediscounter, we post there every day during the shoot!

Alexander: That things will continue like this and that people are still interested in the Kolinski delicatessen staff. I think we just mustn’t make the mistake of wanting to tell a bigger story than necessary. Nice and nothing.