Brazilian supermodel Gisele Bundchen (42) says she accepted an invitation to the Rio de Janeiro Carnival. She will be in a box in the sambodrome, Bundchen said in a video on Instagram on Thursday (local time). On Friday, the world-famous parades in the Sambodrome begin with the schools of the ascending class. On Sunday and Monday the twelve samba schools of the first division will parade. Tens of thousands from the stands and millions in front of television screens in Brazil and around the world follow the parades in the Sambodrome.
Supermodel Bundchen and football star Brady divorced last year. She hasn’t been to the Rio Carnival since 2011. “I think I have to go to Rio de Janeiro because I miss the ‘wonderful city’ a lot, it’s been a long time since I was there,” Bundchen said in the Instagram video. “We’ll see each other there in the box on Sunday. Who knows, maybe I’ll stop by at other carnival events.”