Who does not sweat a day, can cause the shower to fail. What happens, however, if you are washing for a whole year?

Have you ever taken a shower longer than three days? On a camping holiday or at a festival maybe. What are the reactions of your body were able to watch – except for the fact that you have probably smelled very fresh?

Some health gurus swear by the so-called “No Poo”Trend, especially in the USA appeal and try to wash as seldom as possible. This is supposedly better for the skin moisture.

The Online-Portal of USA Today wanted to know more and asked several Doctors. The results are – well, read for yourself:


It is not surprising that a Person after 365 shower-less days and starts to smell. Dr. Cameron Rokshar, Professor of dermatology at Mt. Sinai Medical Center in New York, told the U.S. television channel USA Today, the origin of the smell: He is the result of bacteria and dead skin that accumulate on the body .

These dead skin contains a Protein that has an unpleasant smell. Also bacteria give off a nasty smell when they mix with our sweat.

growth of brown lumps

In the early days of shower abstinence, so dermatologist Dr. Lauren Ploch, the skin oily is . Later would form then fungi and bacteria . These arise increasingly in parts of the body that produce the most fat, such as under the armpits, behind the ears, on the neck and under the Breasts in women.

Dead skin is normally washed away when Washing. Who washes must expect that the dead skin from clotting and the body’s own fat mixed . These clumps take on a brown hue, as it contains dirt and other contaminants collect.

Increased risk of infection

Dr Cameron Rokshar also highlights the infection risk increased in the case of a long shower-free time. Small abrasions or tears in the skin can cause due to the increased bacteria on the skin, soft tissue infection.

itching on the head

The dead skin would make the head skin is noticeable – namely, by Dandruff and severe itching on the head . After a year, so Rokhsar, but the itching on the head extremely. By the fat of the scalp, and the dirt accumulated, the hair would dry, dull and broken look.

Bad skin

to get Through the high volume of bacteria on the skin, the risk of acne increase. Through the dirt of the follicles were quite easily flammable.

skin rash

rash , as soon as you no longer showering is developing very quickly. This inflammatory skin reaction is usually extremely itchy, the skin turns red and begins to burn and pain.

athlete’s foot

feet should not be heavily infested by bacteria, as soon as it is washed more. the dirt, sweat and bacteria of a mushroom , which can lead to skin itching, scaling and pain forms.

a Long period of time back to normal

365 days is a long time. If you want to return after such a long period of time back to normal, for the Rokhsar predicts that this would take about a week – maybe even longer. Then I freed the body again, largely of bacteria and dirt.

Not everyone needs . every day showers

Dr. Elaine Larson, Dean of the Columbia School, holds a daily baths are unnecessary the All two, three or even four days were not entirely in order – as long as you stink up.

she explains that the natural organisms on the skin in General from harmful germs to protect. The exception is people with sensitive immune systems, such as newborns, the elderly, and people with diseases are here.

Simona Asam

Is sweating uncool? You should know about