TV presenter Birgit Schrowange (65) is now a married woman. She confirmed this in an interview with the “Bild” newspaper, which also published photos of the wedding. “The old box is finally under the hood,” Schrowange told the newspaper. It feels great. She and her new husband, Swiss businessman Frank Spothelfer (57), said yes on July 16 at 2 p.m. The ceremony took place as part of a trip on the cruise ship “Mein Schiff 2” on the open sea between Malaga and Valencia.

The two met six years ago on a ship voyage, her new husband was on vacation with his two daughters and she with her son. “It was love at first sight,” says Schrowange. She was “glad and grateful that we met”: “For me, Frank is the most beautiful and best man I know, he is my closest friend and now my husband, I’m happy.”

Spothelfer also raves about his wife. From the very beginning he felt that there was someone who would take care of him: “We treat each other well, but we also let ourselves be who we are. We share a deep love. I am proud that Birgit is now my wife to be allowed to name.” The moment of the wedding was “magical” for him: “We looked out over the sea from under a diamond glass dome.”

For Schrowange, it’s the first marriage in her life: “I’ve never married before, I’m a freedom-loving person. Before Frank, I was happy when I was alone in a relationship, had my peace.” It’s different with Frank: “He never annoys me. I really like being with him.” In September we’re going on our honeymoon, of course on a ship again. Spot helper: “We fly to America, board in Michigan and then explore the Great Lakes between the USA and Canada for 19 days.”

Schrowange was in a relationship with her colleague Markus Lanz (54) from 1998 to 2006. Her son, born in 2000, came from this relationship. She has been in a relationship with Swiss businessman Frank Spothelfer since 2017. The couple has been living together in Mallorca since 2021.