After a minor heart attack in august, the u.s. presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, a completely new philosophy of life, ‘salad and kapgang’. And his wife, Jane, breaking into, if the and pomfritterne nevertheless lures.

The 78-year-old senator, who still use the Danish social and health system as its political guiding light, was already before his heart attack criticized for being ‘too old’. But after a gigantic vælgermøde in New York, in which over 22,000 supporters paid tribute to the experienced politician, is Sanders in his own words ready to give ‘battle to the line’.

At his side has the declared democratic socialist wife Jane Sanders. And about his new strategy, which also includes a soft sweater and a new combed hairstyle, says the senator, the New York Times:

“I have been accused of being old. And I confess. I am old. But there are also advantages to being old. I know what I want.”

Among the things that Bernie Sanders will introduce a new public health insurance system to cover all americans. The 78-year-old senator will raise taxes for America’s very richest. And he will strengthen american trade unions, which today only covers ten percent of the u.s. workforce.

in Particular, Sanders’ new public health insurance system, which will force the 170 million americans to let go of the private health insurance they currently have through their employer, can be a difficult political nut to crack. Why has Bernie Atlasbet Sanders need all the energy he can gather. And that is why the lifestyle in the Sanders family put entirely on.

Thus Jane Sanders now almost constantly by her husband’s side. According to the Washington Post the dots with her husband on the shoulder, if he chooses steak and French fries instead of salad and soup.

Before the preferred Bernie Sanders restaurants where steak, burger and loved the sauce were at the top of the menu. Today eat Bernie Sanders either in his packed lunches or going for healthier restaurants. And according to the New York Times has Sanders even posted road, past the local veganerrestauranter.

Before or after a vælgermøde ask Bernie Sanders today its employees to programlægge a ensuring hours of walk. And this idea has according to the candidate even had an unexpected jackpot.

“The other day, when we were in Iowa, I went for a long walk in a beautiful park. I was repeatedly stopped by people who wondering and asked what I was doing there. I chatted with many wonderful people. And it gave me even more courage to make the UNITED states a better place to be,” says Sanders, the New York Times.

In an interview with the newspaper tells Sanders’ kampagnechef Faiz Shakir, to Sanders the new style does not limit itself to exercise and diet.

At the recent vælgermøder have Bernie Sanders so switched the jacket out with a more soft sweater. And the white hair that before the stack in all possible directions, is now trimmed and combed.

“the health crisis has not only made Bernie Sanders more energetic. His mood is also even better. He has been reminded of why he initially stood. And he wants the new positive attitude also shines through in his attire and appearance,” says Faiz Shakir.