On a pasture area in Tyrol, it came within a short period of time to two Kuhangriffen on German hikers. The Area is well marked with warning Signs.

In the Tyrol have been attacked three hikers in Bavaria from cows. Next to a man from Ebersberg, a Nuremberg, Germany, as well as a four-year-old girl was injured. Mother cows are considered to be particularly aggressive when it comes to the protection of your young animals.

Ebersberg/Tirol – On a grazing area to Tirol it has come within a short period of time to two Kuhangriffen to German hikers . A 37-year-old nurse from Nuremberg, a 48-year-old man from Ebersberg and four-year from Swabia were. here hurt , as the Austrian police on Saturday, 13 June, announced. The attacks have occurred in a fenced-in pasture field with 44 animals of the bovine species in suckler cows in the area of the Vilsalpsees. The Area was equipped with warning Signs with regard to the risk of mother cows.

Kuhangriff on German Wanderer: mother animal calls

First crossed the 37-Year-old on Friday at noon, the area with your family. As they were over almost to the Herd, have taken according to the descriptions of the husband, a cow of about three meters distance, suddenly starting up. The ten-year-old animal had pushed the Germans with the head and injured during a jump with the hooves. The woman complained then of pain in the chest and at the hips and was flown by helicopter to a hospital in Immenstadt in the Allgäu region.

cow attacks German hikers: Ebersberger is attacked knocked over

Only 90 minutes later, two more families from Bavaria, made in the Tyrol, take a trip, were on the same Meadow. Already, about 50 meters in front of the closed gate and the cows came running toward the group. A four-year-old girl from Swabia and a 48-Year-old from Ebersberg in upper Bavaria were knocked over in the process. The man was slightly injured, the child came for observation in a hospital in Tyrol.

“no apparent reason” has a cow in the Austrian Alps, a hiker Couple attacked, with dire consequences. Now the old debates may flare up again.