Semi-finals on Star-Beach: “Kampf der Realitystars” turns to the home stretch with episode nine (Wednesday, 8:15 p.m. on RTLzwei, also on RTL). And “the place is full”, as Matthias Mangiapane (39) correctly concludes. Ten reality stars are still in the running. When the Star Blitz comes flying, the fear goes around that it will already be decimated.

But the Starblitz only announces the obligatory punishment game. The candidates must compete in two teams of five for a round of memory. It is important to match headlines to the image of the celebrity they are about. Dieter Bohlen (69) and broken penis, for example. An easy one for the trash-hardened reality stars. The group of Matthias, Sarah Knappik (36), Lukas Baltruschat (28), Aneta Sablik (34) and Bernd Kieckhäben (32) is slightly worse.

The losers expect the worst. The confiscation of suitcases, beds or, even worse, make-up. But it gets even harder: the punishment game turns out to be a safety game in disguise. The winners of the trash memory are sure to reach the final, only the losers may be nominated in this episode. So that nobody in the sala forgets who is who, Matthias, Sarah, Lukas, Aneta and Bernd have to wear a red headband with the words “Nominated”.

But even the stars without a headband should not be completely sure, warns the game management. Because a loser can buy his freedom. The offer, of course, has thorns. The losers are called individually to the editorial office. There they can tick on a list what they would take away from themselves and their roommates. Suitcases, coffee, cigarettes and more. The star with the most crosses can pass his headband on to a competitor from the winning team.

Aneta, Lukas and Matthias indignantly reject the immoral offer. Ironically, Bernd, who always strives for harmony and social balance, puts six crosses. But Sarah easily tops him with twice the number.

When the result is announced, the outcry is great. “You’re the rat, you sell everyone,” screams Matthias. The reality actor’s first freak out, who hasn’t lived up to his reputation as a “black mamba” (self-assessment) so far this season. “It’s the worst thing that happened here,” said Emmy Russ (24). All suitcases are confiscated, and Sarah has to sleep on the sofa. Lukas relieves her of this burden out of misunderstood chivalry.

Sarah can now pass on her headband. She chooses Emmy, no wonder after their tirade. “You’re the worst thing Germany has seen,” screeches Emmy. “How can a person be so disgusting.” Bernd also intervenes loudly. He has a guilty conscience that everyone is targeting Sarah, even though he wanted to remove privileges from his colleagues.

In the safety game, a headband wearer can save himself with sportingly fair means. The stars compete in teams of two, always one candidate with and one without nominee status. Each candidate has to memorize a sentence and pass it on to the colleague. He then has to recite it correctly. To make things more difficult, a show employee distracts contestants with pointless questions.

It comes as it had to come after the dramaturgy of the broadcast. Emmy wins the game with Eva Benetatou (31). No real surprise, rowdy show chick Emmy is a lot, after all, but not goofy.

“Today, television history is being written,” says Emmy, before handing the headband back to Sarah with a grand gesture. “Justice prevails. You sold us for nothing.”

So Sarah Knappik is out. That much is already clear before the coin is issued. That’s how it actually works, the reality stars can save themselves a reason. Emmy doesn’t even say a word.

But who else gets it? After all, two stars have to go today. The choice is not large, it is decided between Aneta, Bernd, Lukas and Matthias. Towards the end, Aneta and Lukas are level, she because of her colorlessness and he because he is perceived by many as the strongest competitor. The muscle man with “Heart of Gold” (Bernd) can stay. Ex-“DSDS” winner Aneta has to go and hear that she might not be made for the tough reality game. There is hardly a greater compliment.