The newcomers in the fourth episode of “Kampf der Realitystars” (Wednesday, 8:15 p.m. on RTLzwei, also on RTL) announce themselves with a lot of noise. Emmy Russ (23) introduces himself as “selfish, shitty, lazy”. By the way, she describes herself as an influencer or reality star, Google calls her an erotic model. Emmy isn’t a team player, and she doesn’t exactly know why she’s here either: “I hate people”. But first she wants to “hide behind her” the “devilish” (sic!) in herself.
The second newcomer is announced with even more theatrical thunder. Production workers install a private wine rack and their own treadmill and sneakers. The reality stars are counting on a big star because of all the pomp – or at least with Thorsten Legat (54) because of the running shoes.
The arrival is then disappointing. The supposed world star is singer Percival Duke (age must not be mentioned). Although he sees himself as such. After all, he has worked with international greats such as Michael Jackson, Chaka Khan and Robert Palmer – “only” as a background singer (no offense!), but still.
A “vision board” hangs above the composer and author’s bed, on which he can jot down creative ideas. Which he actually does in the middle of the night. According to his own statements, like Emmy, he is not courting sympathies. “I don’t care how I appear to others.” First of all, the one whose age must not be named, like Emmy, is tame.
In the punishment game, the reality stars have to compete in teams of two in a variant of “Journey to Jerusalem”. Packed with heavy suitcases and stuck together with cling film, they have to throw themselves onto cushions when the music stops. The winners are Eva Benetatou (31) and Paul Janke (41). All others are punished with water rationing.
Eva and Paul are allowed to splash in the pool instead. She makes no secret of her interest in the ex-Bachelor. But he makes no move. Not even when Serkan Yavuz (29) moves the beds of the two together. Paul is literally keeping a low profile. In the last episode, the permanent bachelor had already printed around that he had to “find out” about the matter first. He had confessed earlier that a woman with a child like Eva was hardly an option for him.
The newcomers have to make a decision surprisingly early on. Emmy and Percival have to send one star home and protect another from being kicked out. The colorless Tim Sandt (33) has to go. “Reality star may not be for you,” says Emmy to singer Annemarie Eilfeld’s (32) fiancé and manager. One can only wish Tim to retire from the business and focus on family and his job in the background.
Daniel Schmidt (39) gets the free ticket. The Kiezwirt was not only on the hit list for arch-rival Serkan. But Emmy wants to show that she doesn’t let the crowd influence her. Or maybe she only made the decision because Daniel let her have his bed. Percival also thinks Daniel is a nice guy, so he can stay.
The rest have to play for their safety as usual. Sarah Knappik (36) secures Paul as a playing partner, although the two do not have the best relationship. In the punishment game, Sarah couldn’t do much for physical reasons, now she’s bringing the sportiest man on board with Paul. This suspicion does not only arise among the other candidates.
The stars have to face the notorious game of skill “Hot Wire”. If the eyelet touches the wire, they will receive a moderate electric shock. Once the course has been overcome, a difficult term such as “decanter” or “ocular” is unlocked. The duos then have to assign these to a category: disease, plant, dish/drink or object.
Sarah lets Paul do the dirty electrical work. But she convinces in the assignment of terms. The alliance of convenience wins the game just ahead of Serkan and Matthias Mangiapane (39). But that’s only where the drama begins. Because only one of them is safe.
Sarah faces a dilemma. Should she insist on the backup and make herself unpopular with fellow players and spectators? The original bachelor and the former “GNTM” participant cannot agree and have to go to the interview room for mediation. Eventually, Sarah pulls back in tears. Paul is safe.
Sarah may have gained plus points with the audience, but the renunciation didn’t help her with the other players. She is voted out in the final. Paul also gives her his tough voice. Too much has happened.
For the first time this season, two stars have to go. Manni Ludolf (60) gets the most coins after Sarah. But with him it is not a punishment, but rather a goodwill action. The well-loved scrap dealer had dismantled in the last few days, he misses his wife.
But nothing is over for Sarah and Manni. Production makes you an offer. Whoever cuts more of their fee from the two is allowed to stay. The decision will follow in the next episode.