“Bares für Rares” veteran Walter “Waldi” Lehnertz (57), also known as “80-Euro-Waldi”, will publish his first book “Murder in the Antique Shop” on May 14th. He provided the stories for the crime thriller and his “charming co-author Miriam Rademacher” wrote them down. Waldi Lehnertz reveals details about the unconventional collaboration in an interview with spot on news. He also talks about his career and the further plans, including musical ones, of a real “Jack of all trades”, as moderator Horst Lichter (62) rightly describes his “Cash for Rares” colleague in the crime thriller foreword.

Waldi Lehnertz: Even before Corona, Horst Lichter wanted me to write a book. But that was very absurd for me because up until then I had only been forced to read my school books. After Corona, Rowohlt Verlag came to me and asked if I would like to write a crime novel. My girlfriend then suggested this to me and I let myself be persuaded. Then my charming co-author Miriam Rademacher came by and took a look at my shop to get to know the conditions.

Lehnertz: It was very important to me that this book was authentic and drawn from life. I let my soul flow through WhatsApp voice messages. Miri always listened to it and processed it. And now I hope that we have made a bestseller together. I found it exciting from the start (laughs).

Lehnertz: Yes, we have a large store that is almost 800 square meters. And theoretically this is my living room because we actually work around the clock. I am also an artist and paint in the shop, i.e. in our café. Only my bed is somewhere else.

Lehnertz: Yes, for example the fishing scene at the beginning is pure Waldi. But many other anecdotes also really happened. Mostly at one of the many events that we do on my premises throughout the year. For example, a good customer had a little too much to drink at a summer party in my store and fell on her own dog. The Yorkshire terrier then became unconscious. I then turned him on his back and massaged him a bit. Luckily he came to. Afterwards, of course, I was celebrated as “Veterinarian Waldi”. Dog and owner are okay again. Many such incredible stories can be found in our crime novel.

Lehnertz: Yes, I actually met my Holde in the store.

Lehnertz: I have so much to tell you can’t even imagine. We have been holding six major events and many smaller ones per year in our store for nine years. So much has already happened that we could fill four more books.

Lehnertz: I’m as proud as Bolle that Horst wrote the foreword. We are good friends and I just told him beforehand that he should please write something nice. What he then wrote touched me very much and was really sincere.

Lehnertz: My works are now also at the Walentowski Gallery in Hamburg. That’s a real accolade. Every “Udo Lindenberg” and every “Otto Waalkes” comes from this gallery. And a picture of me is now even in a museum. I was very happy about that. Painting means a lot to me. I do that and fishing to unwind.

Lehnertz: Kaufmann – otherwise it would take too long.

Lehnertz: I always wanted to be a zookeeper. But since the zoos were all fully booked for years, I learned to be a horse owner. Among other things, I did horse breeding for a master painter – and that’s how I became a painter and varnisher. Then at some point I became self-employed in construction. However, back problems put an end to that. The second mainstay was antiques and then came “Cash for Rares”. When the show ran daily starting in 2015, I just focused on the antiques.

Lehnertz: Absolutely. We traders from the very beginning are good friends. Aside from the show, we also work together sometimes. I always invite them to my events.

Lehnertz: I covered a Udo Lindenberg song after we discussed it: “Bodo Ballermann” will be released soon. Next year I would also like to compete for Germany in the Eurovision Song Contest. We’re currently writing a song for it. And then of course I also hope that readers like our book so much that it gets made into a film (laughs).