Kriemhild Wollenweber and Astrid Friedrich, mother and daughter from Volkmarsen, brought a suitcase to “Bares for Rares”. But what is particularly interesting is the content: “This is how life is brought into the world,” as Sven Deutschmanek puts it. It is a midwife’s case.
The two saleswomen are midwives themselves: mother Kriemhild for 56 years, daughter Astrid half as long. Both agree: “One of the most beautiful professions ever.” Kriemhild Wollenweber bought the suitcase for 300 marks from an old colleague who always transported it on her moped and drove it to the women.
As the expert explains, this is the “genuine Wiesbaden midwife’s bag” from the Gottlob Kurz company. It was developed at the beginning of the 20th century and was widely used. Deutschmanek also dedicates himself to the contents of this suitcase – but is a little unsure about the description of the many objects in view of the knowledgeable ladies standing in front of him. “If I say something wrong, please intervene immediately,” he asks.
But the midwives don’t have to do that, Deutschmanek is well prepared. He dates the present copy to the early 1950s. Since it is not complete and also no longer hygienically clean, it is only recommended as an exhibition piece.
The women give 150 to 200 euros as the desired price, the expert is slightly lower and promises 100 to 150 euros. But the auction takes an unexpected course.
Wolfgang Pauritsch starts with 50 euros, and the price initially increases only in small steps. But when the dealers heard what Wollenweber paid for the suitcase at the time, Jan ?ížek increased it to 150 euros – the purchase price converted into euros at the time. But that’s not the end of it. At 190 euros, the auction seems to have already ended – but then Walter Lehnertz comes around the corner with an amazing bid: “Waldi” raises the bid by 60 to 250 euros. Cicek claps his hands in admiration. Nobody goes over there anymore.
The saleswomen are satisfied, they are “really happy,” they say afterwards. “Waldi” already has plans for the suitcase: he wants to decorate his old flag cabinet with the contents.
Source: “Bares for Rares” in the ZDF media library
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