A Danish sportsvirkelighed without Caroline Wozniacki!

This is what we woke up to no later than the 1. February. If under two months it’s finally over. It is perhaps the greatest Danish sportsnavn ever stop his career after the Australian Open.

It’s going to leave a huge vacuum, when the sun goes down over Miss Sunshine, and Wozniacki for the last time disappear into the spillertunnelen in Melbourne. We lose in short, Denmark’s one and only superstar in the sports world.

Caroline She goodbye is is a shock, even if we here at B. T. has heard unconfirmed whispers about it since early fall.

It is, because she as 29-year-old, in theory, could have several good years in them – and because it’s so damn hard to imagine a Danish sportslandskab without Caroline Wozniacki as the all-important lighthouse.

It will be strangely empty without Caroline Wozniacki as a great representative for Denmark in general and the Danish sports in particular.

Who will now fires the Danish sport in the world? Who should make us alternately euphoric and resentful? And who will plant us in front of the tv at the most insane times of the day to follow even a finale?

It could be Caroline Wozniacki, and that she has done for more than a decade.

‘She/he goes down in history’. That phrase we hear used interchangeably. We use it frequently yourself! But when it comes to Caroline Wozniacki, it is an understatement. For she does much more than that. She writes himself in as one of the largest Danish sportsnavne in the story. Perhaps the utmost.

71 weeks as the world number one in a sport that is among the largest and most competitive in the world, speaks its clear language about a woman, who both managed to be a formidable tennis player and a superbrand.

it doesn’t make things any less impressive that she in addition to a great career also has managed to stack an almost equally good business on the legs.

Just business and life outside the track is one of the reasons that Caroline Wozniacki as so many other great danes also have managed to share the waters and the danes.

Some believe she has spent too much time and too much effort on photo shoots and life on the red carpet. I think not. In a time, where Serena Williams has dominated the kvindetennisen, it was not Wozniacki, who had the greatest talent. But she got something near the maximum out of it, she now even had.

Now sanctify her family and the fight against rheumatic disease, which only makes her performance even more impressive. Thank goodness, she of the get the Grand Slam title, as she is chased through so many years.

It came nearly two years ago in Australia. Now bind she, very appropriately, a bow on the whole of their career in the same place, as she celebrated her greatest triumph. When it should be, it is a fine end to a great career.

I freely admit that I’m going to miss Caroline Wozniacki.

She filled a huge. Here at B. T., where she for many, many years has been the guarantor of countless stories with roots both on the pitch and outside.

Now stop she, but I can guarantee we don’t stop to follow her.

So big she has namely been. She has transcended sports and entertainment and is swollen to the danes ‘ interest in both tennis and sport. Many danes play tennis today because of Caroline Wozniacki. Much more one cannot achieve in the world of sports.

So thank you for fighting, Wozzy – and thanks for the fight. It has been brilliant.