The fupspiller Bernio Jordan Verhagen has until now had his defense ready, when the revelations come flying towards him from B. T.

the Dutchman has repeatedly claimed he absolutely nothing has had with dokumentfalskneriet to do, and he knows not the fake Mo Sinouh, who was the agent that got Verhagen to Viborg.

But now B. T. reveal that Bernio Verhagen itself has helped to orchestrate the big scam, which scored him a contract in Viborg.

For Bernio Verhagen has been given a woman to forge a signature on a much discussed chinese contract, and he has even carried out with to receive quotes from the fake Mo Sinouh. Betticket

Let’s start with the fake signature.

B. T. is come in possession of a WhatsApp conversation between Bernio Verhagen and Dutch ex-girlfriend.

Herein asking Verhagen, who today are in jail in Viborg, the woman about to sign a contract, in which the dutchman is sold from his former club, chilean Audax, to the chinese club Hebei Aoli Jingying F. C. from the third row.

And this really is the chinese club’s signature, as Verhagen instructed the woman to falsify on the contract.

B. T. has translated the entire chat conversation between the Bernio Verhagen and the woman. And here are a few sample:

: No, you must sign for the chinaman (chappie, slang for chinese).

: For you, isn’t it?

: On each side in the corner, and then the last page like that.

: Just each side.

: Not my signature.

: But for him chinese.

Later in the conversation reiterate Bernio Verhagen, therefore, has denied knowledge of the fake Mo Sinouh and his own share in the fupaftalen with Hebei Aoli Jingying F. C., that the woman must make the chinese club’s signature.

: shouldn’t there be something on the last page?

: Send screenshot.

: *sends picture of the contract*

: *sends picture of the contract with circle just above the kineserens name in the contract*

: Also, the signature here.

: Well, I must sign for him.

: Yes.

the Contract with the chinese club is essential for Verhagens hoax. It is, as well as access to a unique network – as the fake agent Mo Sinouh has used to entice more clubs to sign a contract with Bernio Verhagen without having seen him play. Among other 1. denmark Viborg.

The fake Mo Sinouh has guaranteed the clubs, to fupspilleren already had an upcoming change to China in place. And that would fall a economic chunk of to the clubs. The contract shows that the chunk is in the two million. dollars – that is 13.5 million. kr.

And it doesn’t stop here.

The 25-year-old con – thus have denied all knowledge of the fake Mo Sinouh and interference in the China-contract – has even over for another woman boasted about precisely the China-contract and sent screendumps of a conversation with ‘Mo’, who sends him the contract and flight ticket to China over WhatsApp.

Bernio Verhagen in other words, even helped to orchestrate the scam, which was, among other things Audax Italiano from Chile and Danish Viborg to poke him a contract sight unseen.

He has been tried with a story that he has a Russian agent, but the explanation has B. T. previously peeled from each other.

It was a fake agent who stood behind the Verhagens switch to Viborg. The right Mo Sinouh, who is the giant agentvirksomhed Stellar Group’s Dutch boss has in the past in the B. T. s of columns, and raged over, his name is brought in connection with the fudge.

Bernio Verhagen have all the time known to the fake Mo Sinouh. And he has tried to impress women with conversations and the contract offer sent by the man, as he now no longer wish to be known by.