The short answer to the question is that he has been fired.

B. T. have tried to get a comment from Kenneth Carlsen, but he has not returned on the inquiry.

however, It should be quite certain that Kenneth Carlsen is far from satisfied with the outline, which he in a press release from the Danish Tennis Federation does not put the hide on.

“The last few years I have been in the process to renew the team with younger forces. Players, I both at present and in the past have been a coach for, and as I believe, has the potential to bring the Davis Cup team up in the top of the world elite. I had been looking forward very much to this journey,” says Kenneth carlsen’s comment to the termination, that was not his own decision.

In the wings there is talk of the reason for the surprising captain-change is a number of unnamed landsholdsspilleres dissatisfaction with Kenneth carlsen’s management. Among others, there are players who during the fighting should have refused to receive his tactical input.

However, the matter is apparently so inflamed, that it is only the French Tennis Federation director, Emil Bødker, want to speak to the quote.

“Jack is in the press release quoted correctly,” says Emil Bødker.

“We are on the national team in time with a change of generation, and in this context, we believe that the time is right for a switch on the kaptajnposten.”

“We believe that Frederik Løchte Nielsen is the right man for the job now, and that is really it, I have to say about it.”

“I say that I believe that Frederik Løchte Nielsen is the right man to lead the Davis Cup team on.”

“I can 100 percent deny that there have been players involved in this process.”

“I would like to deny that there are players who have been in contact with us.”

“factors of the employment I keep for myself.”

“He is a highly professional. He is dedicated. He is passionate about tennissporten and still have his daily walk out there, so he has 100 percent your finger on the pulse.”

“I see no problems.”

“We have taken a decision that the time for a move is the right thing.”

B. T. have been in contact with a Davis Cup player, who does not want to comment on the matter publicly, but that does not put the hide to the DTF’s grabbing the termination of Kenneth Carlsen gives the public the opportunity for speculation.

the Next time, Denmark should be in action in the Davis Cup tournament, is 6.-7. march 2020, where you have the home match against Puerto Rico in a so-called World Group II Playoff match.

In connection with this debuts Martin Linnet Killemose as Davis Cup coach in place of Jens Anker Andersen.