Wim Wenders (77) receives the French Prix Lumière. The prize is to be presented to the German director at the Lumière film festival in Lyon in October, according to the organizers. Wenders (“Paris, Texas”, “Der Himmel über Berlin”) is a filmmaker, multifaceted virtuoso, visionary and photographer who has never stopped reinventing himself, according to the press release.

The Lumière Prize has been awarded to filmmakers and actors for their oeuvre since 2009. The name goes back to the brothers Auguste and Louis Lumière, who are considered the inventors of cinema and both come from Lyon.

At the helm of the Institut Lumière in Lyon is Thierry Frémaux, artistic director of the Cannes Film Festival, where Wenders presented Perfect Days and Anselm this year. The Lumière Festival will take place from October 14th to 22nd this year. Last year, the award went to American director Tim Burton.