Shortly before her 75th birthday on November 27th, the art magazine “Monopol” named Berlin-based Isa Genzken the most influential artist of the year. Genzken is “a role model for younger artists all over the world,” said the magazine in its ranking of the 100 most influential people in the art world in 2023, published on Tuesday.

“The more her randomly arranged assemblage and installation art made of shiny everyday materials, designer fashion, mirror foil and adhesive tape becomes generally accepted as an extension of sculpture, the more distinctive the original becomes,” writes the magazine in its December issue, which will be published on Friday (November 24th).

Artificial intelligence in second place

In second place, “Monopoly” doesn’t see a person, but rather artificial intelligence. “AI permeates every day life and touches on the heart of human existence and identity: How are we supposed to distinguish the real from the fake from now on?” says the magazine.

With Rosemarie Trockel (“Monopol”: “Can feminism get smarter?”) in 8th place, Hito Steyerl (“The current topics on the screen”) in 10th place and the choreographer and theater maker Florentina Holzinger (“Projects are guarantees of great evenings” ) at number 14, “Monopoly” has other famous female names high up in the ranking.

The museum makers include Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung from the Berlin House of World Cultures (5th), Max Hollein (7th), director of the Metropolitan Museum in New York, and Klaus Biesenbach (12th), director of the Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin, included.