there are those less fortunate who will find a rare opportunity to change the vehicle and opportunists who will simply seize the opportunity, the balances before the hour. The plan Macron for the automotive industry is yet ready for real virtues, those of give an immediate boost to the activity of an industry shaken by the coronavirus, and to clean up a fleet of vehicles dilapidated that the overstock.

also Read “car Plan : the delicate mix of aids”

According to a truth become adage ” 10 % of all vehicles cause 90 % of the polluting emissions “, the scrapping of models with outdated technology is worth the combined efforts of the State and the manufacturers. The plan devised in consultation by the two parties is of course to reduce inventory, but also to give to the less well motorized the ability to convey in a model more own and, we do not stress enough, safer.

This is the decree published Sunday in the official Journal (decree n° 2020-656 of 30 may 2020), which opens today the new aid granted for the purchase of cleaner vehicles. With still a few surprises in the decree, which clarifies a number of concepts previously unclear. Here are the answers to the questions that you ask, first of all on the bonus green the schedule changes, then on the conversion of a used vehicle.

The case of the bonus eco-friendly

What is the new scale electric ?

the increase in The bonus ecological, even if temporary, is significant because, for the purchase of an electric vehicle and nine of less than 45 000 euros, it goes from 6 000 to 7 000 euros for an individual and $ 3 000 to 5 000 euros for a legal person (company, community).

The bonus is reduced to 3 000 euros for a vehicle of between 45 000 and 60 000 euros, and to zero for vehicles above 60 000 euros. Conversely, the bonus may not represent more than 80 % of the sale price of the vehicle.

plug-in hybrids are affected ?

new, then that plug-in hybrid vehicles were unjustly excluded, the decree endorsed the creation of a bonus green of 2 000 euros. However, it will be necessary that this vehicle has a battery range of more than 50 kilometers, CO2 emissions of between 20 and 50 grams and a purchase price of less than eur 50 000.

interestingly, this is not the fare price, but the price actually charged, after the eventual return of the dealer. It is, therefore, allowed to aim above the threshold of 50 000 euros and negotiate in order to come back below. Which, given the circumstances, appears to be quite feasible.

The date used is that of the order or billing ?

Another very interesting detail and postconfinement, it is the date of the invoice and delivery that is chosen to benefit from this bonus eco-friendly. Thus, a car that would have been ordered by containment, and delivered only from the June 1 or after will be able to play this more advantageous bonus. On the other hand, do not intend to repeat the operation several times in a row to earn bonus. It will not be possible to resell the purchased vehicle within six months, or before they have travelled less than 6 000 kilometres.

The case of premium on conversion

The premium to the conversion (case-insensitive) is it open to all ?

No, because a criterion of tax income of reference (RFR) is selected, it is set by hand in 18 000 euros. According to the government, it concerns all the same, almost three-quarters of the population. But this measure is temporary, “to grasp” in other words, since the figures that we quote here must stop on December 31, 2020, or when 200,000 vehicles have been sold. The first of these deadlines is reached, it will return to the previous situation.

What vehicles are affected ?

To play this bonus, it will be necessary to separate you from your good old car and replace it with a recent model, new or used. Vehicles to eliminate are those classified Crit’Air 3, 4 and 5, the vehicles petrol registered before 2006 and the diesel fuel before 2011. Don’t buy a wreck to qualify for this bonus, you will have to prove that you are the owner of the vehicle for at least a year, and it is normally provided. Furthermore, you must be a resident of uk, be an adult and give the case the vehicle to “convert” in the past six months.

What the new model should we aim to obtain the bonus ?

It must, of course, choose a car of their very own to complete the operation safely. In other words, if you choose a thermal vehicle, new or used, it will have to cost less than 50,000 euros, and its release will not exceed 109 g/km according to the new standard NEDC, 137 g/km in the WLTP. If you are eligible based of your income tax, the bonus will be of 3 000 euros for the purchase of a thermal vehicle and 5,000 euros for an electric vehicle or plug-in hybrid (less than 60 000 euros) and whose independence is greater than 50 km.

Finally, for the companies, this will be a doubling of the current premium for light commercial vehicles electric and plug-in hybrid.

What are the hidden features ?

another series of measures is effective from 1st June, without a planned outage at 31 December : this is the doubling by the State subsidy of the premium to the conversion for the people living or working in areas with low emissions, and that, in the limit of 1 000 euros. The State also imposes a premium for the transformation of a vehicle-driven heat engine battery electric or fuel cell vehicles. A previous surprising, in the name of ecology, on receipt by the licensing services of vehicles changed profoundly. Until then, it was all, or almost all, forbidden. As long as this is electrical or a fuel cell, everything appears to be enabled.

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