A man and a woman has been charged following the discovery of over 1.5 tonnes of methamphetamine and 37 kilos of heroin in the speakers.

In Australia are two customs officers – a man and a woman – have been charged in a case concerning the smuggling of 1.6 tonnes of illegal substances.

the Majority of the record-breaking catch was made in Melbourne, is methamphetamine and was smuggled in to the speakers.

A third man is also charged in the case.

This was stated by the australian authorities on Thursday.

It was operated by the australian border the Australian Border Force (ABF), who made the discovery of vakuumforseglede packages hidden in the speakers from Thailand.

It happened during an inspection of the cargo from a cargo ship back in april.

In total, were found 1,596 tonnes of methamphetamine and 37 kilos of heroin. It is the largest seizure of methamphetamine in Australia ever and the largest seizure of heroin since 2017.

– It is almost a quarter of the annual consumption in Australia, so it will have an impact, says deputy commissioner Neil Gaughan told reporters in Melbourne on Thursday.

of The many drugs have an estimated value of more than a billion australian dollars. This corresponds to just over 4.6 billion Danish kroner.

the deputy commissioner Neil Gaughan says further, that the two customs officials were employed to ship goods between facilities.

– They are trusted insiders in the industry. They used their tillidspositioner to bypass border controls in Australia, he says.

He adds, that the duo was probably exploited by a syndicate of organized criminals.

– There are people higher up than them, and we think that we know who they are, says Neil Gaughan.

The two officers and the third person was charged after searches of various properties in the suburbs of Melbourne on Wednesday.

The maximum sentence is life imprisonment.

Australian officials say the country is suffering from a “serious epidemic” of people who take drugs.

It has led to smugglers trying to find new ways to import the substances on the.
