Lena Meyer-Landrut (32) and Mark Forster (40), the prominent duo of voice actors from the animated film series “Trolls”, appeared next to their film characters at the German premiere of the third part in Cologne on Sunday.
“I expected it to be smaller, to be honest, but it is relatively big,” said Forster (“Choirs”) to the German Press Agency about the Troll Branch. “But I hear that a lot too. People always think I’m smaller than I am.”
Singer Meyer-Landrut (“Satellite”, “Better”) plays the pink princess Poppy for the third time. “It’s super cute. And the rug is fantastic. It’s just extremely sparkly. I think it’s the most beautiful rug I’ve ever seen.”
In “Trolls 3 – Strong Together”, the amorous Trolls couple Branch (originally voiced by Justin Timberlake) and Poppy (Anna Kendrick) go in search of Branch’s former boy band colleagues. The film will be released in German cinemas on October 19th. “The film is just fun and totally entertaining. And of course it’s great musical,” explained Forster.