They contain personal notes, receipts and dedications from friends: Around 230 books from the private collection of the late Amy Winehouse (1983-2011) are currently being auctioned off on the Internet.

The legendary singer, who died of alcohol poisoning at the age of 27, was known for her book collection. “I could spend a lot of time in bookstores,” she once said in an interview. On the online platform “Catawiki”, fans can now bid on Winehouse’s personal favorite books. These include titles by Shakespeare, J.D. Salinger, but also Harry Potter and a Madonna biography.

Some books contain personal dedications: In a collection of essays about Hollywood films of the 1950s, it is handwritten: “27.7.02 / To Amy Bunny, / On the occasion of / becoming an honorary / Northerner. / Much love, / Chris xx.” The book is believed to be a gift from her first boyfriend, Chris Taylor.

Other books contain doodles, notes, personal annotations, and underlining that Winehouse made while reading. Train tickets and receipts are also included. Experts estimate the total value of the book collection at 90,000 euros. The current highest bid is just over 40,000 euros. The auction ends next Sunday, April 23, 2023.