Infinitely cool: Albania, Europe could teach a little more Composure. Why it would be wrong for the country, the EU-honorary membership-to-manage.

One of the reasons why Albania problems in the EU-accession: the drug trade. Here’s Cannabis photo: Reuters

It is, as you enter the undiscovered Italy, as if you are stranded in Greece, meanwhile, is in the midst of the underrated Balkans: Albania needs to be thought of as a cultural Hybrid that is as colorful Between,. After the country hopes in the Mediterranean for years on the entry into the European Union, it has received just by some Western heads of government, at least a provisional refusal.

more and more reasonable arguments for its inclusion in the Confederation of the talk now. Who visited this touristy yet only in small Parts of a really developed country, encountered several of Albania: Since the sun is close flooded South, with its magnificent beaches, Saranda and Himara, where the water remains to be transparent, or the North, with its mountains, in its valleys, possibly with good off-road car can reach. All natural strokes are uninhabited, all the lakes are not noted in the guidebooks.

as diverse As the landscape, as detailed in the conditions of life from the fall, however. You will meet in Tirana or Elbasan on a Western way of life, dominate in the province, some of which are even archaic structures. Shepherds live in small crates with their sheep, beekeepers sell directly on the streets, in addition to their bee hives, fresh honey. There seems to be a lot of poverty.

That the life is still, largely, a cultural highlight, it could just be for a playable, all-too-often divided Europe is enlightening. The principle is that of Serenity. In Albania you wait – whether as a carpenter prior to the workshop, as corn salesman on the highway, or as the operator of actually countless tank. Serenity is also the authoritative attitude in matters of religions.

Although the secular Mediterranean country is majority-dominated Muslim, on this is a Indo-European traveler hardly. Yes, you can hear the Muezzins and looks everywhere mosques, as well as Christian churches. Many people maintain a modern, undogmatic Façon de vivre. Women with headscarves you can count in some regions, even on one Hand.

Why-too many problems to make, if it goes so – so the Credo of most Albanians. Stay cool, sit with us. Even before the cheapest joint of the Albanians may be in the evening, happy as long as he is in the company.

It is a culture of uncomplicated forgiveness, a to beat the bridges can about religious, ethnic and economic borders. The Mediterranean and Ottoman, Italian cosmopolitanism and the age of post-Soviet charm meet. Sure, the European Nations could learn a lot from this small, self-sufficient and open-hearted Nation.

conversely, an accession is also a Chance the new member of the basal principles of the West to give life. Democratisation, fighting corruption, Strengthening the rule of law will help the European Union to a wider range of, and strengthen the transition zone to the Middle East.

The Ottoman, Italian cosmopolitanism and post-Soviet charm meet

And who understands, for example, Marsbahis effective climate change mitigation as a pan-European Ambition, can achieve by using the extension actually important successes. Indeed, one of the biggest problems in Albania, without a doubt, the blatant environmental pollution. Driving through the most beautiful landscapes and is always disillusioned by the ubiquitous mountains of garbage. Plastic mountains, rubble, old car tires. Educational work, investment in infrastructure, and reforms are urgently needed.

This relates primarily to the formation. A poorly developed school system and the lack of research capacities at colleges and universities, paralyze development processes on a number of levels. In short: the less the country is investing in its heads, the less it will be the Transition to a service and knowledge society (although – this is only expanded on the edge – the power in many regions is better than in Germany.)

Added: this is the Only way for the country, the trained professionals can also be moved to Remain. Currently, too many Doctors migrate to Western European countries. Just the youth perspective is missing. This out-migration, and a serious demographic impact on development. Outdated village and family structures, characterized, in some regions, a sad picture.

And yet the state has done in the past few years, a lot of things. From the EU Report in 2019, with considerable success, in particular what conventions the ratification of most human rights, the “determined implementation of far-reaching judicial reforms (including the establishment of institutions for self-government of the judiciary)” and the increase in the economic power is concerned.

What to deteriorate, however, all the positive current account balance, as before, is still intense drug trafficking and cultivation. Albania is about is “increasingly a transit country for cocaine and Heroin”. Complains in addition, the still widespread corruption, there was still “cause for concern”.

So the EU Commission calls for in its latest report, all public procurement must be transparent. “Albania,” the introduction and perhaps the conclusion of the report, “has failed to implement the stabilisation and Association agreement”.

Through the accession talks, the EU has been able already to improve the conditions of life and of a democratic culture. This has taken over the long-term control. Now you should stand by your promises and the candidate country perspective show. Last but not least the security-political considerations should move skeptics like Macron & Co to Think about. Because both Albania and Macedonia are located in Europe.

Should be about the influence of the Turkish, or Russian, for example, when accession negotiations come to a Halt, increase, or internal stability may falter, could imbalances and problems in this geopolitical situation, but also on neighbouring countries, spill-over or weakened. Europe must have a genuine interest in a stable Balkans region. And maybe, the EU could make in your current crisis of confidence is evidence of how serious it is with values such as solidarity, dialogue and freedom.