A new restoration of the fiasco in Spain, many Laugh – and the experts head-shaking and Ranting. According to reports in the media, a very valuable copy of one of the Marian images of the most important Spanish Baroque painter Bartolomé Esteban Murillo was defaced in Valencia from a repair officer restorer beyond recognition.

The news Agency Europa Press, published on Monday, “Before and After”images that illustrate the extent of the botch job.

The Client, a private collector who had paid for the Job 1200 euros in advance, not come out from the Amazement, as if he had seen the result of a completely botched job. The author of the art disaster was reportedly even a second Chance, but again the overworked man could only deliver a better children’s drawing. Now another expert to try to save the image, the hopes were low, it said.

Failed Jesus fresco in 2012

The case brought back memories of a failed restoration of a Jesus fresco, the 2012 made headlines around the world and Häme. The attempt by a then-80-year-old Amateur restorer, a wall painting of the chapel in Borja, near Zaragoza in the 19th century. Century to repair, ended with the destruction of the image of Christ. Amused media to be baptized at that time, the image of the “Ecce homo” (such as the appearance of the thorn-crowned Christ in the art means) to “Ecce mono” (something like “monkey Jesus”). dpa / Centro de Estudios Borjanos Elías García Martínez’s “Ecce Homo” before and after “restoration”.

Here you can read the story!

But not all find such botch-UPS funny. You “are unfortunately much more common than assumed,” said the coordinator of the Spanish restorers Association, ACRE, María Borja Ortiz. “There are countless cases in which individuals without proper training and destroy works of art, always and forever.”

Out of necessity of the locality made Borja, meanwhile, is a virtue. The “Ecce mono” was thanks in part to Marketing campaigns for major tourist attraction. The defaced image adorns T-Shirts and mugs. Between 2013 and 2018, more than 200 000 tourists from home and abroad visited the 4900-souls-village in Aragon. The visitors even have to pay admission to be allowed to have a Selfie with the “monkey Jesus” make.

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