Bernie Ecclestone, gave his most recent Interview, once again for a controversy. According to his statements to ‘CNN’ was the formula 1 even forced to distance themselves in an official Statement from his longtime Boss. Also to world champion Lewis Hamilton Ecclestone didn’t Interview obviously over.

The comment, in the meantime, in an Instagram Story. “[I’m] so sad and disappointed to read these statements,” writes the Mercedes-Pilot and added: “Bernie is out of the Sport, and comes from a different Generation. But that’s exactly what’s going wrong.” Eccles tone of the comments were “ignorant and uneducated”.

in Addition, they showed must, “as far as we, as a society, yet to come, before there can be true equality,” Hamilton said. Among other things, Ecclestone said in said Interview: “In many cases, Black people more racist than White people are.” Such statements are based on encounter, Hamilton, committed to equality, sour.

Hamilton: Ecclestone doesn’t understand the Problem

“For me, it makes complete sense that nothing can be done, it was said, in order to make our Sport more versatile, or the racist abuse that I have experienced during my career,” says Hamilton with a view to Eccles tone, the time at the top of the king class, which ended only in 2017.

“If someone, who has headed the Sport for so many decades, so a lack of understanding of how deep the problems are rooted, with whom we have to fight Blacks every day, how can we expect that all of the people who work under him, understand it? It starts at the top,” explains Hamilton.

Ecclestone described it in the Interview as “completely stupid”, statues of historical figures to overthrow. Hamilton supported this approach. “I’m not going to stop fighting for a future with equal opportunities for all in our Sport. For a world, the minorities have the same opportunities,” announces Hamilton.

Ecclestone: Never with Hamilton on racism

spoken, “I’m going to have to use my voice to continue to represent the, the no, and I’m going to talk to that are under-represented, in order to offer you the opportunity to have a Chance in our Sport,” says the champion of the world, announcing that: “Now the time has come for a change.”

Also posted Hamilton had made a picture for you to see on the Fans are, with a winter test in Spain in the year 2008 about his skin color funny. Ecclestone was mentioned in the Interview on these and other events, and played down. “I’m surprised that him concerned,” said Ecclestone.

He had spoken with Hamilton himself never about the issues with racism within the formula 1. “I would be very sad if he took it seriously. I never thought that he did. I didn’t think that it has affected,” said Ecclestone, with this view, apparently pretty danebenlag.

This article was written by Ruben Zimmermann

*The post “Hamilton Ecclestone criticized statements: “Now it makes complete sense …”” is published by Contact with the executives here.