The band Rammstein played their first of four concerts in Munich yesterday (June 7th). After the allegations against frontman Till Lindemann (60) from the past few weeks, there were apparently small changes to the sold-out show in the Olympic Stadium.

Compared to the previous performances of their “Europe Stadium Tour”, the song “Pussy” and a large foam cannon in the shape of a penis are said to have been missing, the “Abendzeitung München” and “Bild” report. This is said to have been decided out of consideration for the allegations against Lindemann. “Bild” wants to have learned that from the close band environment. According to “BR24”, Lindemann has meanwhile not commented on the allegations at the concert. “Only when he finally thanked his fans for coming could that be understood in the context of the allegations.”

Several women had previously made allegations. According to a joint report by NDR and “Süddeutsche Zeitung”, the allegations say, among other things: Female fans are said to have been “specifically attracted” before concerts. According to a report in the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”, they were allegedly offered access to backstage parties and the so-called “Row Zero”, a separate area directly in front of the stage. At Rammstein concerts, women are said to have been sexually harassed, according to further claims.

In a first statement, the band rejected the allegations, in a further statement they asked their fans to refrain from prejudice. She also commented: “The allegations hit us all very hard and we take them extremely seriously. We say to our fans: It is important to us that you feel comfortable and safe at our shows – in front of and behind the stage.”

According to consistent reports, the allegations also led to a first personal consequence. According to “Spiegel” and “Welt”, a “casting director” has now been separated. The first source says that this news has been confirmed by people close to the band. It is also written that the woman worked primarily for Lindemann, but was not paid by Rammstein and from now on no longer has access to concerts or the band itself. It is said that her task was to specifically address young women and invite them to after-show parties .

The band also apparently wants to do their own research to clarify the matter. Among others, the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” and “Welt” as well as the broadcaster NDR report that the band allegedly hired a law firm. Accordingly, employees involved in the band’s current tour should fill out a multi-page questionnaire. Previously, there had already been e-mail surveys by the management, which are now also to be evaluated. It is said that the first results of these surveys are expected in the course of the coming week.