a court spokeswoman confirmed on Thursday. Specifically, phrases such as “7 x more do you need as I will large, healthy – certainly” and “small children need up to 3 x more Calcium and even 7 x more Vitamin D than adults per kg of body weight”. These Slogans were “misleading”, ruled the court.
The court in Munich, joined the opinion of the vzbv, is that Hipp gives the impression of a balanced and varied diet do not deliver in General, nutrients in the required quantities – which is why the advertised children’s milk was especially valuable. The statement on the website and in the downloadable movie is so understood that a child is in the total amount of need seven Times more Vitamin D than an adult. In fact, children in the amount of not need Vitamin D or Calcium than adults.
The blanket statement that a child will need seven Times more Vitamin D than an adult, needs to be explained. “Parents should not get the impression that certain products are necessary so that your child is adequately supplied,” said the consumer advice centre, which had appealed against Hipp-advertising and right to get. “Children over one year and generally need no special food.”
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