
  • “taz” published a column about police – dump a Option
  • was interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) has announced that it will display
  • But: He gets a lot of criticism for it – apparently, even Angela Merkel

the Federal interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU), announced criminal charges against an employee of the newspaper “taz” because of a police critical column is not yet decided. A spokesperson for his Ministry said on Monday in Berlin. Government spokesman Steffen Seibert said Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) was with Seehofer in an interview.

On Monday evening, said Seehofer in the short term a scheduled appointment. On Tuesday, the Federal government wanted to introduce the Ministry of the interior together with the protection of the Constitution, President Thomas Haldenwang the protection of the Constitution report of 2019. An official reason for the cancellation, there is not. A date in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, he takes not true – due to “appointments”.

Seehofer is threatening display

In the newspaper “Bild” had Seehofer announced on Sunday: “I’m going to tomorrow as the Federal Minister of the interior, criminal charges against the columnist, because of the unspeakable article in the “taz” about the police.”

Seehofer said thus: “A disinhibition of words inevitably leads to a disinhibition of the actions and excesses of Violence, just as we have seen it now in Stuttgart. We are not allowed to accept more.” As a criminal offence for a display of incitement to hatred or insult to come, according to Seehofer, in question. The possibility of a display have checked his house already since last week.

“The decision has not yet fallen”

The interior Ministry spokesman also said: “The freedom of press and opinion, you are not guaranteed without restriction.” He said: “you will find, for example, limits of the criminal laws.” On Monday then The decision should fall to Seehofer’s return to Berlin, because he is a picture of the location in Stuttgart after the riots from the weekend first.

On Monday evening, the Update: “The decision is not yet fallen,” said a spokesman for the Federal interior Ministry on the request of the German press Agency. Also, so far, no decision has yet been published.

abolition of the police: it was in the column

But what is it? On the last Monday of the Text of a “taz”-fellow was published in the daily newspaper. It was not a case where police officers could work, if the police would be abolished, capitalism but. Also, the Option of landfill was picked up.

Out of the profession and of politicians came after a lot of criticism. Police unions announced, with criminal action. The German press Council – the self-regulation of the press were already up Tuesday to around 50 complaints.

the police Union: “taz”post press “contempt for people from”

the trade Union of police (GdP) laments in the Corona of a pandemic, a growing disrespect for the officials. The lack of respect for the police and rescue forces to consider quite a few years, said the Vice-GdP-Chairman Jörg Radek on Tuesday in the ARD”morning magazine”. “And we are experiencing now is obviously a result of the pandemic, such as through a burning glass, that there is still more coming to a head.”

In the current social “bracing climate” should everyone involved in the debate, think carefully about what words he chooses, said Radek – “whether that’s as a journalist, whether it is a party Chairman”. It all is not helpful, what has been said. To the notice of the Federal interior Minister, Horst Seehofer (CSU), to make a complaint against a “taz”-author, said Radek: “I think that what I said taz, ( … ) just by the freedom of expression is covered. But it is a people expresses contempt, I don’t want to accept, not even as Satire.”

esque criticised Seehofer: “there is No reason for a display”

SPD-Head of Saskia esque has turned with a sharp criticism of Seehofer (CSU) in the debate “The author is advised to be very under attack,” said esque in Berlin on Tuesday. “So what we have been able to convey as a state under any circumstances.”

the column, I found “not funny,” said esque. “But that is no reason to press charges – and certainly not by the state.” Esque at the same time stressed that it was important “to protect police officers against the fury of the street”.

“taz”-editor-in-chief regrets contribution

“taz”-editor-in-chief Barbara Young had recently expressed due to the column of her Regret. Young wrote in the newspaper (Saturday) to the readers about the article: “A column as satirical as it may be meant that can be understood, as the police officers were nothing more than waste, is gone wrong. The I’m sorry.”

in Addition, Boy, this may rings in the editorial about the Text and about what is to be said, and must open legends but also “a deeper conflict in the “taz” wrote. “We can argue about how strong the subjective view, such as strong experience of Discrimination journalism to shape or may.” The editor-in-chief of the blade, with its headquarters in Berlin also announced that it will give contributions to the Debate with different perspectives in the newspaper.

journalists organizations criticize Seehofer’s plans

The “taz” has already expressed its Regret for this. “Thus, the theme should be for Horst Seehofer through,” said the Chairman of the German journalists Association (DJV), Frank Everywhere. He said: “My spontaneous reaction to the news of the criminal charges against the “taz”: Will Horst Seehofer open the campaign against the media?” Everywhere stressed at the same time, as a Satire designated column was borderline.

The Federal Chairman of the German journalists and journalists ‘ Union, Verdi, Tina resentment, said: “As Minister of the interior, who also defend the constitutionally guaranteed freedom of the press, has Seehofer other ways of political engagement as the Swing of the legal club.”

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beb, cho, sca/dpa