As the “DailyMail” reported to have threatened the employees of the prestigious publishing house Hachette, thus, the collaboration with J. K. Rowling no longer continue. Rowling is currently working with the French publisher of her new children’s book “The Ickabod”. As an Insider told the newspaper, were not to participate, some employees of the children’s Department no longer willing, to the book.

Rowling’s publisher: “freedom of expression is the cornerstone of publishing,”

the statements would reject Rowling’s strong and your Protest for the Trans-Lobby, so the Insider. The author had shared on Twitter, among other things, an article in which it was “menstruating men” and this formulation is drawn into the Ridiculous. You alluded to the fact that it was obvious to women, the Transgender Community felt discriminated against.

In an official Statement from Hachette, however, stresses J. K. Rowling’s right to freedom of expression. It says: “We are proud to be publishing J. K. Rowling’s children’s fairy tale ‘The Ickabod’ to. Freedom of expression is the cornerstone of the publishing industry. We believe in the principle that everyone has the right to his own thoughts and Beliefs to Express. For this reason, we have commented on never the personal views of our authors and we respect, if our employees have a different opinion.“

More to the discussion of J. K. Rowling click here to read

However, it is further said: “We would allow our employees to book work, the content of which you are upset for personal reasons, but it is something else, if it refuses to work on a book, because one agrees with the views of the author outside of the book, as this faith against our Reason, to the freedom of expression goes.”

is Not the first Protest to the publisher, Hachette

It is not the first Time that the publishing house makes a controversial decision that triggered a Protest among employees. In March, New York-based Hachette-workers had organized a Walk-Out. The reason is that The publishing house had chosen to publish the autobiography of Woody Allen. And, although Allen (“Manhattan”, “Midnight in Paris”) for decades, allegations of abuse are circulating.

to have His adoptive daughter, Dylan Farrow (34) holds him in her Childhood, her past. The Director has rejected always. The US publisher is Hachette, took the book with the original title “Apropos of Nothing” in the end, back out of the program, the Arcade-Verlag snapped up the work and published it immediately.

“In this weird time, to be dismissed where the truth often as a Fake News is, we as a publisher to give a respected artist, a voice, than to go in front of those who want to Silence him, in the knee,” stressed the editor-Jeannette Seaver, at the time, to the magazine “People”.

According to Trump-appearance: Now a Twitter Post, flies to him in 2014 to the ears, FOCUS Online/Wochit After Trump’s appearance: Now a Twitter Post, flies to him in 2014 around the ears
