Year in 1972, Eddy Merckx wins his fourth Tour de France, the oil shock threatens policy and still mourns its great man, general de Gaulle. A weekly title, his first one, ” Crisis of regime “. The Point, 3,50 francs, was born. Headlining, the man with the eternal cigarette between the teeth – which on the coverage has not ! – Georges Pompidou, president of the Republic, has the air conscious of the bad days. It is that the Ve, without the will of its late founder, flickers at the speed of business. First prime minister but for an eternal second until the death of the General, Pompidou dies two later. Already, The Dot wrote : “Georges Pompidou is not de Gaulle. Simply the first president, if one may say so, the normal of the Fifth Republic “. Prophetic.

What will be the character of the weekly, irreverence in the analysis, the serious without the spirit of seriousness, is already met in this first issue. At forty-eight years apart, the ” hurly-burly of events, this tangle tangled facts, speeches, and dreams that weaves the human adventure “, is still to be found in our columns : “Classified, clarified, explained “, stood the writing in this, that it’s appropriate to call the first of our editorials. The sum of the numbers published in four decades of journalism vigilant is dizzying. Thursday 23 July 2020, to be published the 2, 500th copy of the Point. And if the pubs of glossy paper for the DSuper5 or underwear Jil, ancestor of the Slip français, is no longer the flavor of the day, it is always impertinent, dear to our readers, that holds the pen.

the First issue of the magazine “Le Point”, September 25, 1972 © Mégane Chiecchi

” Nation “, “civilisation”

And a precursor to The Point the was. Page 19, the mode is highlighted in green for care of the face more “natural” : “the kum-kum dethrones the red lips and the souak replaces the toothpaste “, wrote-we find that, in this second millennium, the time would be the good and the bio. On the same page, our health topic recalled it, the benefits of the vaccine… the flu. A containment later, and it is the coronavirus that made and unmade the news. Page 82, this is the bike that we honor without knowing that Anne Hidalgo promettrait, a day, a ” Paris 100 % cycling.” The topic France is called a nation and civilization replaced the pages culture. Our indiscretions chroniquaient already the revolutions of the palace, and the comedy of power. This first number contained, as a whole, the foundations of the journal.

2 499 numbers later, Georges Pompidou holds, like a blink of an eye, the poster : “Stop pissing off the French “. It is with this expression pronounced in 1966 to denounce the too-full of laws and regulations “in this country” that we illustrate our folder on the mammoth bureaucracy ? To read in the number 2,500 of your weekly favorite.