In some corners of the city, it feels almost as if the pandemic was over. People are outside, sitting omitted together, and the 1.5 meters distance, we would measure a few weeks ago on the loved ones of the pole downstream, seem to be becoming more and more a matter of interpretation.

The risk of infection is decreased due to lower case, but not for a long time disappeared. For me personally awaken people groups still discomfort. On the one hand, the longing for a carefree summer is greater than ever. I got to meet desire, finally back people and carefree through the streets.

On the other hand, I’m Worried that we are riding a collective wave of euphoria that could end up breaking faster than we would like.

How do we find a way back to normality?

How are we supposed to find in a everyday life, a “new normal”, if we ask ourselves constantly, what we must now actually and what is not? And this is a question you must answer all to the best of our Knowledge and belief, a piece of myself along the way? It’s not only us. These thoughts Rob quite a lot of energy and make it hard to find out of our crises-Isolation in an appropriate Post-Corona-the everyday. the These tips can help:

helps Here, it is often to know: You’re not alone. Even if it should not feel so, the “new everyday” is all of the other better than you. We can’t just switch off from daily life to crisis and back again. We are all human and that’s okay!

#strongertogether – Together we are strong

You’re not the only Person who has the feeling that the last three months have disappeared into a black hole and newly acquired Hobbies such as Yoga or banana bread baking is to give up despite all the good intentions back. You’re not the only Person who does not know on a Saturday night just where to be.

Because much of what you would like to company, is simply not possible or feels not right. Talk with friends and colleagues, and you’ll find that you have to overcome similar Fears, doubts and hurdles as you are #strongertogether.

Small routines to give us more structure to

Maybe you’ve got is you in Lockdown new habits, and maybe just from one day to the next lived. Both is in order. On the way back into everyday life it can help but, if you accompany you to go a little Routine can, for example, your Start to the day, or end before the sleep. It is most important that it brings you joy and you use the time be aware of for you. How would it be, for example, with ten minutes of reading before bedtime, or three Sun salutations, and a one Minute Mini-Meditation in the Morning?

The last months have for us all. Some get better than others, or the Situation of Stress for us and our body means. Take care of yourself, sleep enough, don’t say no, if you’re a little too much, and do things that benefit you.

we can Make it as Marie Kondo: the way of the Ballast

The last few months, the digital communication is our main channel was to the outside. But perhaps the Accounts which we have followed because of the great Workouts the delicious recipes stress out on the way back into everyday life. Just as easily, such as the “follow”Button, it should be therefore, also to unfollow Accounts again.

The Marie Kondo method, which is actually meant for the Mucking out of the wardrobe and co., not can also help here: If you enrich the contributions of a page, but in the worst case, even Stress or cause Trouble, then take it away from your Feed. You’re not going to miss, I promise!

Today’s work time, so nothing at all and you feel totally bad? Try this before you go to Sleep and have a positive Outlook on the next day. This is not always easy, but a good starting point may be, if you ask yourself: “Is what I am, and this is one of the most important?”. If you can answer this question with “no”, then it is in most cases not necessary or expedient, the whole night will break your head about it.

It is important, for a change, self-reward

There are some tasks that fall to us at the Moment is particularly difficult. Maybe we have shuffled an unpleasant appointment through the Corona-the time before us, or are not able to pull ourselves together and easy to clean the apartment. Don’t go for too much at once. A daily To-Do, which costs you quite an effort, enough for now. And in return, you can still make something Beautiful make. Go for ice cream, a girlfriend meet in the Park, cook something delicious, …

And at some point comes the thirst for action, also more of the annoying To-Do list to work through, all by itself! Because if that’s done, it gives us a good feeling.

We don’t have to always provide maximum performance

Take the time you need and don’t condemn you for it, if you follow any of these tips. Just for that, if you try it, but it will not quite succeed. Acceptance is an important part of resilience. Until two o’clock in the morning, the YouTube Videos looked? The last three days of Junk food eaten? The living room is not tidy? So what. The end of the world comes to an end.

We don’t have to always be perfect, particularly not now. The times are easier again and until then, it is also okay to simply exist. As Josephine Teske said so suitable in our EMOTION Online conference, “Yes, you can!”: “Our value depends on nothing, what we do in this world, but alone the fact that we exist. And Yes, this is hard enough as it is!” Cheesecake with marinated strawberries: if you like cheesecake, you will love this recipe PCP Cheesecake with marinated strawberries: if you like cheesecake, you will love this recipe

*The post “7 tips for returning to everyday life, we have to get used to” will be released by Contact with the executives here.