Almost 500 Eichenauer have signed a Petition against the bus 862, to lead by Allinger road. The citizens ‘ Initiative also proposes an alternative Route: on the main road. In the autumn there is to be an Info-event.

Eichenau–On Friday at noon, the citizens passed Initiative your almost 500 signatures. After the registration office has checked, will address the Council with the thing. “Probably in September”, as the mayor, Peter Münster, said the 20 protesters in front of city hall. For a citizens ‘initiative it would take about 950 signatures, then you could follow within half a year, a citizens’ referendum.

in the run-up Günther Kosler, the speaker of the Initiative, had made clear: “The Eichenauer do not accept it, to let the year-long political sleep and errors in the transport policy on their shoulders.” Kosler described it as a “schnapps idea” to let the line of half-six in the morning until after midnight by the Allinger-road driving. According to Kosler approximately 112 buses come together. This Parking would be eliminated, cyclists and children walking to school at risk. The city hall chief of Münster responded that the Council would deal with timing and length of the buses.

disorders of the S4 cushion

Kosler, and the other supporters rely on an Alternative: The Bus is going to travel through the main and Schiller street. “They key is. Significantly more citizens will benefit.“ Kosler plays on an argument which is also supported by the municipality and the district office. Accordingly, the line to absorb 862 to a potential interference with the S 4. On the other hand, the bus creates a connection to secondary schools in Fürstenfeldbruck and Puchheim. The Route on the main road could also be interesting for retail stores, it says.

An information event is to be rescheduled in the fall – if it is the corona rules gymnasium on Park road to allow in the school. A video conference, as the mayor of Münster brought into the conversation, is for Kosler “no good solution”.

the discussion on The bus 862 was formed in January 2019, after the municipal Council by the public TRANSPORT expert Hermann Seifert, a new bus Concept was presented. The must 11 to for. December grab. Since the current transport contracts expire. After that, the line will connect 860 Germering Olching, the 861er only urban transports and 862er the S-relieve train.