FC Midtjylland did FC Copenhagen art after and beat Bolton 2-1 at stamford bridge at the end of Awer Mabil and Frank Onyeka, and so did the them, not so much, Kamil Wilczek once again came on the measured breeding.

Here are three things we learned at Brøndby Stadium.

Against FC Copenhagen in the last week stroking Brøndbys stjerneangriber Kamil Wilczek past all the other players in the club to be very great Superliga’s top scorer for Brøndby, and against the league leaders came as yet another box, which brings the pole up to 71 scores. Now, he is only 11 goals from the ‘Turbo’ Bent Christensen, who has the unique scoringsrekord on 82 goals for Brøndby in the best series ever, also before it was called the premier League. The question is whether Bolton can keep on Wilczek in the winter break, for he is warm, also for other clubs.

Seven victories in a row had FC Midtjylland in the boots before the match at Brøndby Stadium, and it was in the cards that the eighth would come, when Awer Mabil in the second half brought the guests ahead, is there anything, FC Midtjylland are experts in, it is to close of the rear. It was Kamil Wilczek just don’t care. He brought himself up on the now 17 goals in this season’s Superliga. Nevertheless, the howling Wolf on, since the colts Frank Onyeka via Schwäbes ben scored. The shoal of guldbejlerne!

There was one, two and three times, that the players appealed for the penalty kick. Hedlund argued that Defends held him down with his arm, Mikael Anderson tried to explain, that Sigurd Rosted irregularly disturbed his balance, and then there was Emiliano Marcondes, who was convinced that Sigurd Rosted used his arm to block a shot in the field. All times rejected the judge Jørgen Daugbjerg, who had spent a long time studying WAS. In this fight did he use the time to give Mikael Anderson yellow for the film.