Soldiers chasing gunmen who attacked a protestant church in Burkina Faso during the Sunday worship Marsbahis service.

14 people are killed in an attack on a church in eastern Burkina Faso on Sunday. It informs the government of the west african country in a message.

in Addition to the 14 killed, several others wounded.

gunmen attacked the protestant church in the city Hantoukoura during the Sunday worship service.

– This attack resulted, unfortunately, in 14 dead and many injured, says the message from the government of the country.

Soldiers in the area are on the hunt for the perpetrators, who stuck by in scooters, lit a sikkerhedskilde in the past.

Burkina Faso has several times earlier in the year been subjected to attacks from the militant groups. The majority of attacks are directed against christians, who make up about a third of the population.

The militant islamist groups attacking, however, also muslim groups and imams, which they think is not radical enough.

Christians and muslims have for many years lived peacefully side by side in Burkina Faso.

Hantoukoura, where Sunday’s attack took place, is located close to the border with Niger.

the Attacks began in the northern part of the country, where militant islamists from the second neighbouring country, Mali, penetrated across the border.

In the course of 2018, and spread the attacks to other parts of the country and has claimed more than 700 lives.

Groups linked to al-Qaida or the Islamic State is believed to be behind most attacks.

Figures from the UN show that about one-half million people are sent fleeing from their homes because of the violence.
