Covid-19-News from Germany and around the world – the top stories: proposed resolution: the Federal government wants to loosen the contact restrictions soon (11.22 PM) +++ Also in Saxony, Thuringia wants to follow (10.32 PM) +++ Regensburg rips Corona-values considerably (08.45 PM) +++

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To infection of a patient: Mass tests in the Thuringian hospital Ramelow responded

After a new patient to be the Coronavirus was detected, has announced the Regiomed-hospital Hildburghausen an extensive smear-taking at staff and patients. Approximately 500 Employees and 70 patients should be on Sars-CoV-2 tested, informed of the Thuringian-Bavarian hospital network Regiomed belongs to the hospital. In the course of the week, therefore the first results are expected. Six employees have been infected already, as district administrator Thomas Müller (CDU) compared to the “MDR” confirmed.

Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow responded on Monday via Twitter on media reports about the hospital. It poses questions that it brings me to a second such case within a short period of time in the RegioMed group. “What is the application and implementation of the hygiene concept in the RegioMed houses? But it is good to test right now, all employees, and then strict rules to enforce!”, the Left-politician wrote.

about two weeks Ago information on Regiomed hospital of sun mountain, with 600 employees, according to the company swabs taken to test for the Virus. So you have the Situation well in hand, said Regiomed-managing Director Alexander Schmidtke. Closer details were not available initially.

According to the hospital Director Christian Grüßing is now isolated all of the patients after a cervical smear in the picture as long until the results are available, regardless of whether these symptoms showed, contact with Infected or at-risk group belonged to. In addition, planned to be expanded to also include regular Tests for employees.

TOP NEWS: the traffic light for the R-value jumps to Red – and- Senator: value

12.19 PM: watch The development of the Corona-infection rate in Berlin has to be observed according to the assessment of health Senator Dilek Kalayci in the next few days, exactly. That the so-called reproduction number is now at 1.37, and for the third Time in a row, above the critical value of 1.2, could be an indication for a trend change in the new infections, said the SPD politician on Monday in the health Committee of the house of representatives. We must now see whether the values in the height to be adjusted available. The development is due to potential fluctuations in the case of low Infection rates but used with caution, said Kalayci. dpa/Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpabild Dilek Kalayci (SPD), Berlin Senator for Health, speaks at a plenary session in the Berlin house of representatives.

The R-value indicates how many people are infects a of Infected, on average. He refers to infections in front of 8 to 13 days. The value remains stable for longer than 1, numbers, the risk of an exponential rise in the case.

The reproduction number is in the Berlin traffic system for the evaluation of the infection happening in one of three indicators: the R-value of a minimum of three Times in a row, over 1.2, this light is Red. The other two traffic lights – for new infections, in proportion to the number of inhabitants and intensive care bed capacity – currently, however, significantly below the yellow line, said Kalayci. Only two red lights measures would be required, in the case of two yellow traffic lights there is “needs Discussion”.

All messages to the Corona-crisis in Germany, Europe and the world, you will find in the News Ticker of FOCUS Online.

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