In Germany have been infected so far, 215.460 people with the Coronavirus, as data from the country’s health and social ministries is clear. On Saturday, the number of new infections was, therefore, at 903. The strongest increase was again in North Rhine-Westphalia, with 393 reported new infections. Already on Friday, some 500 new infections were reported. 903 new positive Corona Tests are, especially for a weekend day remarkable. Especially Baden-Württemberg, Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt at the weekend reported no Numbers. In addition, no Figures were available for the Bremen first. Number of confirmed Coronavirus cases in Germany rise to 215.460, 9167 deaths

here you will find the currently reported Figures by the health ministries of the countries.

  • Baden-Württemberg: 37.752 (1858 deaths)
  • Bavaria: 51.788 (2624 deaths)
  • Berlin: 9687 (224 deaths)
  • Brandenburg: 3654 (175 deaths)
  • Bremen: 1803 (56 deaths)
  • Hamburg: 5663 (231 deaths)
  • Hessen: 12.602 (524 deaths)
  • Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: 937 (20 deaths)
  • lower Saxony: 14.895 (654 deaths)
  • North Rhine-Westphalia: 51.330 (1759 deaths)
  • Rheinland-Pfalz: 7763 (239 deaths)
  • Saarland: 2898 (174 deaths)
  • Saxony: 5624 (224 deaths)
  • Saxony-Anhalt: 2059 (64 deaths)
  • Schleswig-Holstein: 3586 (158 deaths)
  • Thüringen: 3419 (182 deaths)

total (as of 08.08.2020, 20.08 PM): 215.460 (9167 deaths)

previous day (as 07.08.2020, 21.46 PM): 214.577 (9161 deaths)

a source to the numbers Infected and death: country health and social ministries.

The number of the Healed, according to the Robert Koch Institute in Germany, at around 196.400

The number of active cases is at around 9900

Currently by the RKI reported reproduction number: 1,32

there are nationwide so far, 9167 people to the consequences of the Coronavirus died. The Robert Koch Institute estimates the number of Recovering on a 196.400. Thus, about 9900 people are infected acute care (active cases). This is a significant increase. On Friday, the number of active cases stood at 9500.

The R value is according to the RKI is currently at 1.32. He also posted a significant increase (from 1.16 on Friday).

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