The British regulatory authority for medical devices has prompted the recall of hundreds of thousands of Coronavirus-Test-Sets. As the government in London confirmed on Saturday, is up to 741.000 Tests of the company Randox. This may not be safe for use, it was said to the grounds.

Randox had received in March a contract in the amount of 133 million pounds by the British government, among other things, for the provision of Coronavirus-Tests. According to the Guardian, the contracts were awarded without tender. Was justified by the high urgency to increase the test capacity of the country quickly. Piquant, however, is that a leading member of the ruling Conservative, Owen Paterson, is a consultant for the company. Paterson receives the Register for in addition to the income of the British Parliament, according to annually 100,000 pounds (the equivalent of around 110,000 euros).

The process is a part of a whole chain of mishaps and dubious Deals when dealing with the Coronavirus pandemic. On Thursday it was reported that 50 million protective masks, which were bought by the Ministry of health in London, are for use in the National health service to be unsuitable. Here, too, it should have the non-governmental organisation Good Law Project according to which no invitation is given. Engineered the Deal to be a government consultant who is also the representative company. According to the estimate of the Good Law Project were spent for the masks between 156 and 177 million pounds (the equivalent of about 173 to 196 million euros).

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