150 years Ago, was introduced to the post card. Even if fewer and fewer of these cards are sent, to connect to some people’s particular stories in order.

County – Even in these modern post cards have still lost nothing of their magic. Whether children to your grandma, send a postcard from vacation or work colleagues should be made with a great card jealous, post cards are still the better option for many as the mobile phone of the daily changing WhatsApp Status that is quickly forgotten.

Some of the lifting post cards even permanently, because they have a special meaning – and there, dear readers, come into play: Because it is next week on 1. July exactly 150 years ago that the post card was introduced in Bavaria, we want to show the most amazing treasures in the local newspaper. You have a post card that was for you important? A very special story told?

We are the best postcards-stories

Then send us the scanned copy of the postcard by Mail, or you can take a picture of you and you tell us the secret that is hidden behind it. You can also come directly in the editor, then we are able to scan the post card itself. the you item to Send your Mail to the local newspaper : lokales@schongauer-nachrichten.de, redaktion@weilheimer-tagblatt.de or redaktion@penzberger-merkur.de

And here there are all of the latest news Weilheim and Schongau.