Perhaps they have turned a laughter up in the communication department at the Middle-and Vestjyllands Police, as they on Tuesday issued a public warning on Twitter.
The otherwise serious message to the road users was communicated in a very special way.
the Circle road users were warned against having the dogs sitting on their lap when they drive a car.
the Call happens in response to an unusual flash-photo taken of one of the police fotovogne.
‘It may well be, vovsen is good as a watchdog at home,’ writes Middle – and Vestjyllands Police on Twitter.
‘But don’t bet on, it is on guard for you when you are driving a car. The motorist here violates not just the speed limit, but also the rules that the driver must have an unobstructed view.’
Several users on Twitter, however, has noted that it is not only the driver, who as usual has been censored.
Also the plyssede dog sitting on the driver’s lap, has been censored with a bar in front of the eyes.
on Tuesday night it was not possible for the Middle – and Vestjyllands Police to explain B. T., why the dog’s eyes are censored. It could be due to a regard for the anonymous dog’s future job prospects?
It is unclear to go. And perhaps a joke only gets worse, if it is to udpensles.
Denmark’s Radio have enquired, why it can be risky for drivers to have the dog on your lap while driving.
“the Dog takes over the one’s attention from the primary – namely, to drive a car. You don’t have the opportunity to respond in the same way, because one’s room for manoeuvre with the steering wheel also is very limited,” says vicepolitiinspektør Henrik Glintborg from Midt- & Vestjyllands Politi to DR.