A trip on the stripbar in Istedgade few hours after having strangled an 82-year-old woman and took her debit card.

It was, according to the prosecution a part of the 27-year-old James Schmidt’s conduct in connection with the fact that he committed rovmord on three pensioners at the World in the spring.

B. T. has on Friday morning been given access to documents in the indictment. It is, among other things, that the motive to beat the three pensioners killed after the police consider to have been a desire to get hold of their debit card.

In two cases succeeded, according to the indictment, but in the last case, could the 27-year-old man allegedly did not find the victim’s debit card.

But after the first of the three supposed rovmord – on the 82-year-old Eva Hoffmeister 5. February of this year – managed the seemingly.

The female pensioner was, according to the indictment killed probably by asphyxiation in his apartment at Vangehusvej 1 F at 14 the time.

And already, within a hour tried the offender, apparently, to milk her debit card.

At. 14.44 failed, however, for him to get a yield of almost 1800 kr. Jyske Bank on Nørrebrogade 201, but at. 19.47, he could use it to pay at a shop on Nørrebrogade in several stages.

Then he managed to use the debit card extensively in inner Copenhagen. At. 20.09 in the 7-Eleven kiosk at Vesterport, at. 20.36 twice in the cinema Cinemaxx at Fisketorvet, at. 22.47 in a new 7-Eleven at the train Station and in the period 22.56-58 three times in stripklubben Candy Club in Istedgade 18 in the district of Vesterbro. Here was the amounts of the three transactions, respectively. 60, 90, and 45 kr.

the debit card from the killed pensioner was almost red-hot and was in the following day used for up to six hundred cases. Therefore, the suspected serial killer also charged with, among other things, computer fraud than for the killed woman and the estate of her for good dkk 29,000.

It is somewhat surprising that the prosecutor will require James Schmidt sentenced to life imprisonment at the upcoming trial, which is scheduled to start in march.

“The detailed reasons for it I will save for the trial itself, but we have felt that it would be the safest to bring a case of life imprisonment,” says senior prosecutor, Søren Harbo from the Copenhagen Police to the B. T.

It was otherwise expected that the claim would be the indefinite sentence custody, after it last week emerged that the 27-year-old man after Retslægerådets view is bimlende dangerous.

It was the background for the experts in Retslægerådet recommended custody after having examined in depth his mentalundersøgelse.

“RetslægerÃ¥dets opinion reinforces that there is reason to fear that in the case of a release will commit new, ligeartet crime. According to RetslægerÃ¥det James Schmidt a difficult deviant personality structure with strong psychopathic traits,” stated the prosecutor a week ago, when it was indicted the 27-year-old man.

It is not the first time that James Schmidt has been described with a straining mentalundersøgelse. It was also the case when in 2011 he was sentenced precisely in the custody of both the Copenhagen city Court and the Eastern high Court.

Then he was found guilty of only 17-year-old to have committed both attempted murder and rape, but the Supreme court overturned the 2012 verdict to seven years in prison.

It meant that James Schmidt earlier in the year was on the loose – and therefore, according to the police opinion, could rovmyrde three retirees in the us.

The 27-year-old man refuses guilty, but during its preliminary nine-month-long pre-trial detention is not desired to be heard by the police.

Police had at first overlooked the fact that the three pensioners in the same estate in the city had died as a result of the killing.

Saturday 9. march contacted the previous winner of the Robinsen-expedition Malene Hasselblad, however, the police with a number of observations which she had made, after she the day before got the message about his 81-year-old mother’s death.

Malene Hasselblad insisted on speaking with the police, when she felt sure that there was a crime, although the police had initially logged the death as natural.

Shortly after rolled the avalanche. The now 27-year-old man of østafrikansk origin were arrested, and two senior citizens died in the same housing at Vangehusvej at the World proved on closer inspection to be also killing.