Jan Hofer embodies the ARD-Tagesschau is Second to none. However, as long as the chief speaker stands still in front of the camera? Soon, the conclusion could be.

Jan Hofer since 2004, chief spokesman for the daily show . The end of the year his contract runs out, however. Sounds of the 70-Year-old then? This scenario seems possible.

Hamburg – Jan Hofer : His face is for many Germans for the daily show . Since 1985, Hofer in the ARD-messages , since 2004 daily show’s chief spokesman. The prestigious Job of the 70-Year-old power according to its own information for at least three years longer than it was supposed to be. His contract runs until the end of the year. What’s the plan then? Now Hofer about his future.

Tagesschau (ARD): to Listen to the chief spokesman Jan Hofer? “At the end must be”

“We want to go in July, August in the next negotiations, and then decide,” said Hofer the image on Sunday. For the next make speak that he was “Second to none” in the topic, in there, also with regard to the service, planning and organization in the Background. “But at some point must be an end, I can’t go on forever.”

the Corona-crisis were not all busy right now so that the negotiations would have first priority. But he had developed his own Software for the service plans and as needs to get someone intense. In addition, he was not in social media very successfully “with our Social Media Accounts, such as Facebook , Instagram* and TikTok,” which he examples with other colleagues. “It makes me incredible fun. But for me, the following applies: All or nothing. So a bit more would make me not question it.“

check out this post on Instagram to

Today, once again, from our Studio. Not from the home office

A post shared by Jan Hofer (@janhofer) on Apr 13, 2020 10 50 PM PDT

Tagesschau (ARD): Corona swirls plans by Jan Hofer mess

The Corona-crisis* brings not only the career plans of Hofer falter, but also his leisure activities, such as the father of a family told. Hofer, most recently during a broadcast of a faux pas in delivery, and wanted to visit his living in Spain brother for a long time: “I could well imagine, to be there for half a year with him, that would make us sure both a lot of fun. Simply put your feet up.“

+ Jan Hofer in civil: The chief speaker might leave the daily show soon.©picture alliance/dpa / Swen Pförtner

From these Considerations, it is now nothing for the time being. In his role as a daily news-chief half a year, Spain would not have been anyway possible. As long as he occupies this Post, seems open-ended.

Tagesschau (ARD): Jan Hofer on Corona-measures: “Doubt whether people

In an Interview, the 70-Year-old, the Fans in 2019, with a bout of weakness in front of the camera shocked, also on the Corona-measures in Germany. language The behavior of some fellow human beings, he could not understand.

“At the beginning I thought, you must proceed with hard bandages against it. What you done well and what has worked. Now I just hope that people keep in mind – I doubt it, however. I was sat last Sunday on my Bicycle on the Alster, on the road, and amazed at how cozy and tight, the people there all together.“ He keep strictly to the rules of hygiene and always carry mouth protection*.

*tz.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

section list image:©dpa / Christian Charisius