the North farmer acknowledges the error, which gave the pigs injuries, but denies ill-treatment of 1100 pigs.

apparently It was a disinfection of a pig that went very wrong and was at fault for the injuries of pigs in a north svinebesætning.

It explains a 61-year-old svineproducent, that at the Court in Hjørring is accused of grossly negligent treatment of up to 1100 pigs.

the Farmer tells that he in august 2016, took delivery of the piglets to the fattening farm in two barns in Brønderslev.

Ahead was the barns have been thoroughly cleaned. They were disinfected by the use of a corrosive agent called hydrated lime.

to use harsh means, since there had previously been diagnosed with salmonella.

But the corrosive medium was not washed completely away, since the new team pigs were put into.

– When I came the day after, I could see that the part the pigs had redness in the skin, and some pigs had white hair.

– I was not in any doubt as to what was wrong. It was hydratkalken. I would like to admit that I made a mistake, recognises the farmer.

He made sure afterwards to rinse both the stables and the pigs thoroughly with a water hose to get Ultrabet the remains of the limestone away.

on the advice of besætningsdyrlægen was a treatment with a penicillinmiddel launched.

But there was a lot of pigs, there mistrivedes and had wounds, he admits.

The most infirm pigs were euthanized, says the farmer, who estimates that he has shot at least 70 pigs.

It was the post-mortem inspection at Danish Crown’s slaughterhouse in Horsens, who sounded the alarm and the matter was brought to roll.

It came to pass, on the basis that the checks had found pigs with injuries, which was delivered from the local farmer.

It triggers an inspection, where an official veterinarian and the police troppede up at the north svinebonde.

Here is found the vet pigs with large open wounds on up to 15 times 20 centimeters.

But the accused may not recognize after the descriptions, which will form the basis for the indictment.

– It simply do not fit. The horrors that are set up in the indictment, does not fit, he says.

in addition to the farmer is a svinepasser and besætningsdyrlægen indicted in the case.

All the refuse of not guilty to the charges.

Specialanklager Ingrid Munck Hansen goes after to get to the farmer sentenced to prison and deprived of the right to keep livestock.

There is devoted three days to the proceedings, and the expected judgment in the next week.
