“storm of love” is a German Telenovela. Over the years, more than 3,000 episodes were filmed and aired.

+ Sturm der Liebe (ARD) counts, since 2005, of the classic TV series.©ARD/Ann Paur

Update from the 29. June 2020, to 15.02 at: Actually should be happy the Fans about the return of a popular couple. However, some TV viewers fear the separation of the “storm of love”-dream couple, Pauline and Leonard, how nordbuzz.de* reported.

Bremen/Munich – For the Fans of the ARD-series “storm of love” (SdL) are the daily consequences of a steady up and down of emotions. The popular SdL-dream finds the couple from each other or from the series villains to break?

Because whether murder or nasty blackmail – at the series “storm of love” the next Drama is always waiting in the start. Already in 16 seasons as many dream couples found each other – and also the supporting characters, such as the Sundays bichlers or Werner Saalfeld are an essential part from the court. *nordbuzz.de is the part of the Ippen-Digital-network